You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1868: She is crazy for love (8)

At this moment, these things of the Xu family were thorough, making her look like a village girl into a city, stunned!

Qiao Yiyi is not a man who sees money openly, just looks at these things, and then thinks of Mr. Xu who he just saw. Isn't it just such a rich family that he can raise?

Joe swallowed saliva one by one, and then inside the ginseng, took one casually.

In fact, these ginseng are all good ginseng!

No need to look for it.

Then she stuffed the ginseng into her small backpack, and she began to leave.

Joe tried to avoid triggering the alarm system one by one, and slowly walked out of the warehouse.

She walked cautiously all the way, holding her breath.

When I left the warehouse and didn't hear the alarm, the whole person was sweating.

It's ... it's so exciting!

As a thief, this was the most difficult theft.

She breathed a sigh of relief slowly, and was about to go out, but heard the alarm of "Dididi!"

Qiao Yiyi: ...! !!

One by one, Joe could not help but cursed his mother!


There must be some inconspicuous alarm system that I didn't find out before this would trigger!

This is the first time she has been negligent for so many years.

But now, she had no idea what she had overlooked.

Too late to think about it, I have heard the footsteps of many people rushing around.

Joe turned his head around one by one and looked around, spreading his feet and running away!

The people around them flocked over, leaving her too late to think about it, only to see the road and start running.

The Xu family is very big. She already knew that in such a big house, it is easy to get lost, so she started to flash the map of Xu family crazy in her brain. Wherever she is now, she must find it on the map.

But there are more and more people around.

"Be there, grab her!"

At this moment, Joe ran over one by one, and some people overtook it!

Joe shrinks his eyes one by one, with a tiger in front and someone behind him. What can I do now?

No one is left or right now.

She bit her lip, her eyes became firm, and then she continued to run forward. Seeing that the person in front was about to hit her, she yanked a rope from her backpack and threw it directly on the wall next to it, and then Pulling the rope hard, the whole person flew over the wall next to it and entered the courtyard next door.

The moment the foot hit the ground, she continued to spread her feet and ran wild.

At the same time, outside voices came in.

"Oops, she went into Nansheng Pavilion, hurry up, tell sir!"


A group of people who pursued her stopped just outside.

Nansheng Pavilion?

What is this place

Joe shivered one by one, but now he didn't have much time to think, so he had to keep running.

It's quiet here, nothing like the big mansion outside.

Joe raised his head one by one and ran around in it. Here is a garden with a mansion in front.

And this Nansheng Pavilion seems to be completely isolated from the Xu family. Now, in the small western building in front of it, there is a light on, obviously someone is there.

Going out at this time is undoubtedly going into the tiger's mouth, so she now ran straight ahead without thinking about it.

As soon as I was close to Xiaoyanglou, I heard Xiaoyanglou's floor and heard a very nice woman's voice: "Quietly, shall we eat sea cucumber millet porridge tonight?"

PS: After the update ~~ Today, a major figure appeared, um, it's the reason for me, too, cough, yes, spoiler, Mr. Xu is the male lead of the new book in September. Momma ~~~

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