You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1869: She is crazy for love (9)

Joe paused one step at a time, stunned, and walked two steps forward, approaching the small mansion.

She slowly leaned her head out to see a very beautiful woman sitting at the dining table. While talking, she filled a bowl of porridge and placed it opposite her.

Joe didn't care, and didn't feel anything.

Just thinking, why is this family not eating yet so late?

But looking at it, she felt something was wrong.

Because the beautiful woman is opposite, there is no one at all!

At first, she thought that the quiet one might be in another room, not in the restaurant, but now ...

She watched the woman, put the vegetables on the opposite empty plate, and spoke to the empty place in front of her: "Quietly, is this delicious? You like this most ..."

Joe felt a moment of panic, panic! !!

This big night ...

Especially when a cold wind blew through, it made her sweaty all over.

She looked hard into the room. The woman was very beautiful, wearing a pink skirt, and she looked very princess-style. Therefore, she couldn't tell how old she was.

While she was struggling, she suddenly heard the voice of the nanny next to her, "It's over! People outside said, the thief came to us, what should I do?"

Joe flashed side by side in a hurry, avoiding two people.

The other person said, "Just someone went to notify the sir. The lady is like this now, she can't see a stranger at all. She can't stand the stimulus. If the thief disturbs the lady, then the lady ... oh!"

"Miss is really pathetic ..."

"Shh, don't say these words, how many of them are in the big family ..."

The two said, walking away.

Joe stood there one by one, a little confused, but didn't think much.

I have stolen things from many large households. Of course, she knows that every family has secrets that are unknown. Maybe this woman is the woman that Mr. Xu is under house arrest.

But they ’re driving crazy, right?

Thinking wildly, she began to look around, trying to find a place to go out.

This woman was placed here, and it was still a forbidden area. The inability of others to enter meant that she was important to Mr. Xu.

In fact, at this time, hijacking her is the best way to escape.


Thinking of the two babysitters just now ...

As soon as Joe sighed, she was not a qualified thief.

Always at the critical moment, I can't help it.

She shook her head, a lunatic, it was pitiful to be locked up here, why should she bother her again.

Thinking of this, she narrowed her eyes, looked around, and finally chose a direction and ran out!

After she left, the woman in the room didn't seem to notice it, but she still had a smile on her face and looked at the non-existent air. "Quietly, have you lost weight recently? Eat more, every time Give you food, you all eat so little ... "


Joe turned over from the south wall one by one.

On the map in her own mind, there should be a big small pond over here.

As long as she enters the water, she can find another exit.

But she never expected that after jumping from the top, a net would cover up!

"Catch her!"

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