You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1880: She is crazy for love (20)

Lu Qingqing made a clearance for Qiao one by one, and then everyone immediately gave up on the face.

Regarding what the family did before, now she is the wife of the Lu family, so there is nothing to despise.

Everyone started to compliment Lu Qingqing and Qiao together.

Li Tingting saw this situation and wanted to say something, but Lu Qingqing never gave her a chance to speak at all, just said: "Li Jia, I just saw your mother calling you, and There is a place for children to play there. You go there. We are all a group of older people chatting here. How boring you are here! "

Li Tingting: ...

She is young, but Joe is obviously two years younger than himself!

But at this time, this must not be said.

Li Tingting nodded his teeth, then took a few steps back and looked up at Qiao Yiyi again.

I saw her standing in the crowd and continued to be complimented by everyone.

Li Tingting narrowed his eyes.

No, she is not willing!

Did she just give her the position of Mrs. Lu?

After she successfully held this business conference today, then even if Mrs. Lu's identity is solid, she will take root at the Lu family, so today, she must be ugly!

How to make her ugly on such a big occasion?

And it must be, Lu Qingqing can't protect her?

Li Tingting looked around, and finally, his gaze fell on the gem on Mrs. Zhang's chest.

There was a flash of light in her eyes, and she immediately sneered.

There is a way!

Li Tingting thought of this, immediately picked up his cell phone, found someone to come over, and then quickly whispered something.


The banquet went smoothly.

Today is just a business conference hosted by the Lu family. It does not really discuss any commercial content, but everyone gathers together to talk about it. It also reflects the status of the following Lu family in Suzhou.

Therefore, basically no one asked Joe one by one.

Joe took the wine glasses one by one, and after walking around, he looked at the time.

As long as another half an hour later, this kind of boring party will end.

At that time, she can continue to disappear and go back to Lu Nanze's villa to rest.

The pain in her body made her almost unable to persevere.

While she was thinking, she suddenly felt someone passing by and gave her a stun.

Joe stepped down one by one, and then almost did not stand still.

She frowned, raised her head again, and saw someone walking past her.

That action, that posture ...

Joe narrowed his eyes one by one, something wrong!

As a thief, she is most sensitive to her bag. At this moment, she obviously feels that there is something in the bag!

Just then, a scream of surprise broke out at the banquet scene!

"Ah! What about my gem? What about my gem ?!"

Everyone turned around and saw that the person who was yelling was not someone else, it was Mrs. Zhang.

gem? !!

Joe raised his eyebrows one by one, and before everyone noticed her, she opened her bag immediately, and then she saw Mrs. Zhang's gem necklace and was lying quietly in her bag.

She drew a mocking smile directly.

Let a thief make a fool of himself in front of himself. Is this Li Tingting comedy? !!

PS: After the update, see you tomorrow! ~~ What is collective?

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