You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1881: She is crazy for love (21)

When Joe looked calm, she stood there, watching the show.

See what Li Tingting plans to do next.

Mrs. Zhang exclaimed, and the people around her flew away. It seemed that they were in trouble, but it was only a few seconds. The people around them surrounded Mrs. Zhang and she stood in the crowd. In the middle, his eyes were red, and he looked around in panic, "What about my gems, what about my gems?"

People around them started to talk one by one:

"Just watched you wear it!"

"Yeah, why did you suddenly disappear!"

"Don't worry, there won't be thieves here anyway, maybe it doesn't matter where they are, we should look for them ..."

Mrs. Zhang was about to cry, "My gem, but it cost tens of millions! If I lose it, ohh ... what can I do! My gem, where is my gem!"

As soon as her voice fell, she heard Li Tingting's voice, "Mrs. Zhang, don't worry, you think about it, when did the gemstones start to disappear? Is it because you put them in the bathroom?"

Mrs. Zhang frowned suddenly. "No, I have never been to the bathroom at all!"

Li Tingting continued to say, "That big gem cannot be lost."

Mrs. Zhang was anxious, "I don't care, I lost my gems here, and the people here are responsible!"

The words fell, and Lu Qingqing heard a voice, and when she came, she frowned: "What's the matter?"

Mrs. Zhang suddenly shouted and said, "What's going on? You still have a face to ask what's going on? I just want to ask you, where is my gem? It was stolen at a business conference held in your home. Now, your family will be responsible for me! "

Lu Qingqing frowned: "Mrs. Zhang, what do you mean?"

As soon as this remark came out, Li Tingting took a step forward, and seemed to be helping Lu Qingqing to speak, but the words were openly pointed out: "Mrs. Zhang, if you say something unpleasant, we have such business meetings. People with status come to participate, you look at the group of people on the scene, who would care about you a gem necklace, who would not do it in your identity? Although your gem necklace is indeed precious and valuable, But no one really looks in the eyes ... "

Such a sentence, however, made Mrs. Zhang think about something in a hurry, raised her head suddenly, and looked around the scene, and it really fell on Qiao Yiyi's body accurately: "There is someone! She fancy it! My necklace! Mrs. Lu, did you take my necklace ?! "

A word fell, everyone brushed her eyes and fell on Qiao Yiyi's body.

Lu Qingqing frowned, looked at Joe one by one, and then said, "It's impossible! We don't have any precious gems in our family, how could she just look at your gems!"

Mrs. Zhang's gem is her most valuable piece of jewelry.

Attending such a large-scale business conference, she has never been able to obtain a gem, so she has always been inferior at home. Some time ago, her husband made a big mistake and got her a handle. In order to make up for her, the husband bought her With such a big gem, she brought it here today, one is to show off, and the other is to comfort her soul.

So this gem is simply too important for her.

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