You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1882: She is crazy for love (22)

At this moment, she saw Joe one by one, thinking of the look when Joe stared at her gemstone one by one, suddenly like a drowning man, grabbed the last straw.

She rushed directly in front of Qiao Yiyi and grabbed her by the hand. "Miss Qiao, Mrs. Lu, you said, did you pick up my gem? Did you pick it up? Did you pick up my gem? Give it back to me as if it didn't happen. "

What she said was a bit threatening.

Anyway, the business conference was organized by the Lu family. If she lost her things, the Lu family had to be in charge!

Either the Lu family found her a gem, or ... just paid her the same value!

Otherwise, even if Joe didn't steal it one by one, she stole it!

No way, who made her the worst person from the whole assembly?

And just now, Joe stared at his gems one by one in a daze. This is something everyone can see!

At this moment, she made up her mind. It must depend on Joe one by one!

What Mrs. Zhang meant, in a split second, Lu Qingqing and Qiao understood it all.

Lu Qingqing felt a moment of sullenness.

At first, Mrs. Zhang lost the gem. They really should be responsible, but it is one thing for them to take the initiative to take responsibility. So being forced to take responsibility is another thing!

The story spread, how will the people in their Lu family live? !!

It's too bullying!

Lu Qingqing's face turned black. "Mrs. Zhang, what do you mean by this? Do you suspect that you have stolen your gems one by one? It's funny! When did our Lu family lack a gem?"

Mrs. Zhang cried and said, "Yes, yes, your Lu family does not lack a gem, but who is there who does not know, your family is not satisfied with this wife at all, Mr. Lu has made it clear that he does not recognize her identity. What's more ... "

Mrs. Zhang continued to say, "Moreover, the Qiao family recently wanted to ask the Miss Li family for eight million yuan in gifts. Their family couldn't get it at all. They had been looking for Mrs. Lu to find a way! There are so many gems in your family Yes, but those are the Lu family, is it Mrs. Lu? Mrs. Lu stole my gems, but she could go to the black market and sell for a good price! "

This is really ...

Lu Qingqing is simply speechless!

Even Qiao's excuse for stealing all came to mind.

But once again she looked at Joe one by one, and this girl would have caused her trouble!

She sneered, "These are your guesses. Why do you rely on this and say that Joe stole your stuff one by one?"

Mrs. Zhang broke the jar, "I don't care, I just feel she stole my gem, it's her! If you don't believe it, we will search for it now! I want to see if she is on her body!"

Searching for such things is the biggest shame on a person.

Lu Qingtian would certainly not allow: "You ..."

Before she finished speaking, Mrs. Zhang shouted again: "If you don't search the body, then I can only report to the police! Don't blame me for not giving Lu family face!"

At the banquet hosted by the Lu family, the news of the alarm came out, and it was they who were ashamed!

Lu Qingqing was a bit difficult to deal with immediately!

At this moment, Li Tingting took a step forward: "How unpleasant it is to search for a body, I don't think so. Mrs. Zhang, your big gem, wouldn't be possible if you want to hide it on your body, so just search her It ’s all right, is this okay? ”

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