You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1883: She is crazy for love (23)

Searching for a bag can be different from searching for a body. The concept is different.

At this scale, Lu Qingtian is acceptable.

So, before Joe one by one, he nodded his head, "Yes, that's it! One by one, open your bag and show it to everyone, so that everyone can see if it's our home. Just do it! Give us an innocence! "

After Lu Qingqing said this, he stared at Mrs. Zhang and sneered and said, "And, since Mrs. Zhang is so suspicious of the character of our Lu family, it seems that in the future, your Zhang family and our Lu family will have to cooperate with each other. Be more careful. When you do business, the most important thing is trust. "

In a word, Mrs. Zhang's face changed greatly.

But it's time for this matter. In any case, we must persist.

So Mrs. Zhang Yanqiang smiled and said, "This is of course. It's Mrs. Lu's character, which is debatable."

In a word, everyone looked at Qiao Yiyi one after another.

Lu Qingqing nodded to Joe, "You opened your bag and showed it to everyone! Or prove your innocence yourself, lest you always be misunderstood!"

Upon hearing these words, Joe ticked his lips.

This aunt is still too naive.

However, she may not have expected that Li Tingting would find a thief in order to frame her.

Otherwise, such work is not something ordinary people can do.

She thought about it and lowered her head, but the corner of her eyes looked at Li Tingting.

It was discovered that Li Tingting was staring at her, and those eyes were shrewd with savvy light, and it seemed that she could not wait for the next moment, so that everyone knew that Qiao was like a thief.

Joe sneered one by one, I'm afraid she was going to let Li Tingting down.

She raised her eyebrows, and immediately sneered, then carried her bag, took a step forward, immediately unzipped, and then ...

She seemed to be tripped, and her whole body flung forward.

Coincidentally, she hit Li Tingting's shoulder.

Li Tingting frowned.

Joe immediately straightened his body and apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry ... I tripped on high heels."

Li Tingting's hit arm hurt a little, and she was a little unhappy, but in front of so many people, she couldn't have an attack, so she could only stare at Joe one by one, and immediately suppressed the unhappiness in her heart and opened her mouth "It doesn't matter."

Joe breathed a sigh of relief, "Miss Li doesn't blame me."

Li Tingting sneered, but didn't speak.

Qiao looked at Lu Qingqing one by one, showing an embarrassed look: "Aunt, I ..."

Lu Qingqing sighed, "I know that this time, you are wronged, but everyone is so suspicious of you and is not good for your reputation, so open your bag and show it to everyone to prove you Innocence, so as to prevent anyone from casually saying that you are bad. "

Joe nodded helplessly.

She opened her bag and showed it to everyone.

There is only one mobile phone in the bag. There is nothing except the mobile phone.

It looks good too. After all, the gem is so big that it can't be hidden somewhere in the bag.

So it's not too embarrassing to search Joe's bag.

Seeing nothing in her bag, Lu Qingqing sneered and looked at Mrs. Zhang: "Mrs. Zhang, next time, are you satisfied?"

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