You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1884: She is crazy for love (24)

Standing next to Li Tingting, when Joe opened the bag one by one, he was already very excited, but when the bag was opened ... oh, what about things?

She was shocked.

As shocked as she was, Mrs. Zhang.

Mrs. Zhang has nothing to say.

But at this moment, we absolutely cannot admit that this matter has nothing to do with the Lu family.

Otherwise, she would not be responsible for her gems.

So Mrs. Zhang said immediately: "But even if Mrs. Lu stole the gem, she couldn't stupidly put it in her bag. Even if she didn't find it in her bag, it didn't mean she didn't steal it. . "

What that said made Lu Qingtian sneer at once, "Mrs. Zhang, you are really tough! Why do you plan to search this banquet venue aside today? I see, otherwise you still call the police. , Leave it to the police! "

Mrs. Zhang had to push things over Lu's body, and Lu Qingqing was not a soft rice eater.

How could I agree!

Searching Qiao Yiyi's bag was her last concession.

If Mrs. Zhang would continue to slander Qiao Yiyi at this time, let alone Qiao Yiyi, she would not agree!

Even if you tear your face?

At this time, if you continue to step back, it will be a shame to the Lu family!

Mrs. Zhang was a bit flustered, but when she thought of her gem, she bit her lip. Even if she knew that she had offended Lu's family, she still said: "Okay, then, then call the police! My gem is lost here , I ’m the bitter master, and I do n’t believe it, I ca n’t find evidence that she stole my gem! ”

After this remark, Lu Qingqing immediately said to the housekeeper: "The phone comes, call the police!"

The housekeeper lowered his head and handed the phone to Lu Qingqing respectfully.

Lu Qingqing gave Mrs. Zhang a sneer.

Then when she was about to call the police, she suddenly heard someone in the crowd say, "This, isn't this Mrs. Zhang's gem?"

In a word, everyone turned around.

I saw that the speaker had covered her mouth in fright, but her eyes were still staring at Li Tingting's bag.

Li Tingting carried a small bag in his hand today.

It's just that the bag is usually closed, but at this moment, I don't know what happened, the zipper of the small bag is opened.

The gem is very large and the bag is small.

The man stopped talking, but everyone around him saw the gem sharply.

Immediately, one by one immediately looked at Li Tingting, and changed.

When Mrs. Zhang heard this, she immediately ignored everything, went straight to it, grabbed Li Tingting's bag, took the gem out of it, and shouted the moment she saw the gem. "This, this is my gem! It turned out that it wasn't Mrs. Lu who stole my gem, it was you!"

After speaking, he extended his finger and pointed at Li Tingting.

Li Tingting is dumbfounded! !! !!

She never thought that things would turn out this way!

She widened her eyes, looked at everything in shock, and finally fell on Qiao Yiyi's body.

what 's wrong?

Obviously she saw the thief put the gem in Qiao Yiyi's bag, how could it appear in her bag?

She stared in amazement at the gem in Mrs. Zhang's hand, reacted sharply, and pointed at Joe one by one: "She framed me!"

PS: After the update, see you tomorrow

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