You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1885: She is crazy for love (25)

Li Tingting determined that the gem was on Qiao Yi, but at this moment, it appeared on her, all this was wrong!

Hardly need to think, you know, Joe must have framed himself!

As for how she framed herself ... Thinking of the moment she bumped herself, Li Tingting was anxious, "You must be the moment you bumped me, you hid the gem in my bag!"

At this, everyone felt ridiculous.

Qiao Yiyi said helplessly: "Miss Li, I, if I can hit you, put the gem **** in your bag unconsciously, then I have stolen it. Maybe! "

People around nodded.

It was just that hit, it was really too fast, normal people simply could not put things in Li Tingting's bag.

So Li Tingting's reason is simply too far-fetched.

Unless Joe is the one who steals the trace, otherwise, he can't do this at all.

Everyone thought so, they couldn't help shaking their heads and looked at Li Tingting.

Mrs. Zhang didn't care about thirty-seven-two, anyway, when she found the gem, she was immediately satisfied.

She held her gem in her hand, then looked up at Li Tingting. She said nothing, reached out her hand, and fell on Li Tingting's face with a slap.


The loud applause made Li Tingting take a few steps back, and then he stood still.

Her eyes fell from Mr. Qiao to Mrs. Zhang, and she bit her lip. "Mrs. Zhang, it's not me ... Think about how many gems in our family we can't get, what can I do to steal it? Yours! On the contrary, Joe has the most reason to steal. She just stared at your gems so shamelessly. Only she is most interested in your gems! "

In a word, let Mrs. Zhang froze slightly and turned her head to look at Qiao Yiyi again.

"You said, what's the point of stealing your gem? It must be Joe who stole it and framed it to me !!! Joe Ill, what do I hate you about? I don't just like the second brother? You use it Isn't it pleasing to me to look at it this way? But when you frame someone, can you choose a sensible approach! This gem may be priceless in your eyes, but in my eyes ... our family can't afford it! You ... ... "

When Li Tingting said here, he lowered his head and began to cry.

The look was weak in the hearts of those who saw it.

Everyone sympathized with the weak, so at this moment, they couldn't help looking at Joe One.

Joe stared at the people around him one by one, and his gaze fell on Mrs. Zhang.

Mrs. Zhang didn't say a word over there, it seemed that as long as she found the gem, nothing was going on.

But think about Mrs. Zhang's rogue look just now ...

Joe frowned one by one.

She originally wanted to give Mrs. Zhang some face, but she didn't expect that this Mrs. Zhang was so bad in character and lost her gems, whether it was stolen or not, she would come to her, angering Joe One by one.

She thought about it and lowered her head, a sneer flashed in her eyes.

Then she took a step forward and said, "There is a word, I don't know if I should say it."

Hearing this, Lu Qingqing stood beside Qiao Yiyi and hurriedly said, "Say, what's hard to say ?! Let me see who dares to wrong our wife of Lu family today!"

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