You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1915: She is her! !! (5)

When this word fell, he saw the housekeeper go out.

But before he went out, Lu Nanze immediately stopped him. "Stop, you go to the villa in my suburb to see if it is ... forget it, you will help me immediately!"

The housekeeper is unknown, but Lu Qingqing is anxious, "What are you doing? Your legs are gone! If you toss yourself like this, this leg will be a waste!"

Lu Nanze heard this, but failed to stop himself. He opened the quilt regardless of the situation, staring at the steward, "Hurry up!"

The housekeeper glanced at Lu Qingqing, but did not dare to refuse Mr. Lu, but had to bite his head and walk forward, and then landed at Nanze.

So Lu Nanze got in a wheelchair and got in the car, and the car drove all the way to the suburban villa.

On the way, Lu Nanze was anxious.

No trace was injured, but No trace had no house in Suzhou, so if she was injured, she must be living in her villa.

He thought about the last time he entered the villa by himself to see how she was doing, but found that she fainted on the ground.

This time ... he had to hurry over, what if there was no trace and fainted again? !!

As for her stealing ginseng ...

Lu Nanze never thought of these things.

His mind is all about one thing. No trace is hurt. No trace, don't go wrong!

The car quickly came to the villa in the suburbs. When the car stopped, he couldn't wait to open the door, and then didn't wait for him to help him.

He picked it down on one foot, and stepped into the door of the villa step by step.

The steward hurriedly got out of the car and chased him, holding his leg.

Lu Nanze pressed his fingerprint, opened the door, and immediately said, "Go and see, is there anyone in the villa!"

When the steward heard this, he nodded.

Then rushed into the villa quickly.

The housekeeper understands, sir, this is worried about no trace!

That ’s right, if it was No Trace and stole another ginseng, then according to the Xu family ’s ability, No Trace may now be seriously injured, and you must find her quickly to ensure her safety!


The housekeeper searched the whole villa from every corner from upstairs to downstairs, but still saw no traces.

Lu Nanze sat on the sofa in the living room, frowning, "I came back without a trace, but where did she go after spending the night in the villa ?!"

There are no traces on the surveillance video.

However, because of no trace injuries, it may be that no trace is no longer prepared for this villa, so there are still some clues left in the room.

Lu Nanze can tell when Incognito came.

The housekeeper was also puzzled, "Looking at the situation in the room, she should be seriously injured. There is blood on the gauze, and it must be trauma ... So, Miss Invisible has been hurt so much, what are you going to do? And why haven't you come back yet? Isn't Miss Invisible ... leaving with ginseng? "


Lu Nanze opened his mouth decisively.

A traceless character will never say goodbye.

Therefore, no trace must be something wrong.

Lu Nanze was anxious, "Go and gather everyone's hands and find me! Find no trace, there are prizes!"

When the steward heard this, he nodded, "Yes, sir, I'll send someone to arrange it immediately, but sir, can you go back to the hospital now?"

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