You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1916: She is her! !! (6)

Lu Nanze heard this and sighed.

He knew that waiting for news here was the same as waiting for the news at the hospital.

Although he also wanted to stay in the villa with a traceless atmosphere to wait for news, but thinking of his body, it was safer to return to the hospital, so he nodded.


After returning to the hospital, Lu Nanze was pushed into the ward by the housekeeper. He frowned, thinking all along the way where no trace would be.

I thought about it in several places in Suzhou, but still felt that she would not pass by, and Lu Nanze couldn't help sighing.

No trace, where are you?

Why can't I reach you? !!

The people sent out have no news till now.

In his heart, suddenly he was full of tension and fear.

What should I do if there is no trace?

Thinking so, he was helped by the steward and went to bed.

Just sat down and suddenly felt something under the butt.

He reached out his hand and took it up in annoyance, only to find that the box opened today has not been opened yet.

Lu Nanze frowned.

The mood of wanting to see what was inside of it suddenly faded.

He threw the box aside, then sat on the bed, his whole heart resting on the invisible body.

I don't know how long it took, he finally couldn't hold his breath, picked up his cell phone, and started to call those sent out one by one.

"did you find it?"

"No, sir."

"did you find it?"

"Not yet, sir."


One by one, all the people didn't find where there was no trace.

Lu Nanze was so anxious that he threw the phone aside.

Just then, the ward door was snapped.

He looked up and yelled, "Who ?!"

The door of the ward was pushed open, and the caregiver walked in. "Mr. Lu, yes, it's me ..."

Lu Nanze frowned and didn't speak.

The nurse then came in.

It seemed to be able to feel the low pressure on Lu Nanze's body, the caregiver lowered his head, did not dare to say a word, and started cleaning.

When he came to Lu Nanze, Lu Nanze moved impatiently, which scared the caregiver.

The carer just picked up the paper box that Lu Nanze had just thrown away.

So startled by Lu Nanze, his hands were soft, and the box snapped and fell to the ground.

Lu Nanze swept over with a cold eye, scaring the caregiver to squat down and pick up the box. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, this ... Let me see if I broke it!"

Lu Nanze turned back, without looking at the box, still worried about it.

Just then, he suddenly heard the caregiver say, "It's okay, there is a dry wood in it, it's all right, otherwise, it must be broken!"

Dry wood? !!

What the hell? !!

Lu Nanze turned his head and glanced at the hand worker.

Then I decided to come back, but turned around and looked at it ...

Isn't it a century-old ginseng? !!

Lu Nanze was shocked, staring at the ginseng unbelievably!

Here, why is this ginseng here? !!

He determined that the one stolen by himself was sent to Beijing ...

So this ginseng ...

He suddenly thought of what the Xu family said, and lost another ginseng.

Something suddenly popped into his mind!

PS: See you tomorrow ~~

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