You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1925: See you in five years (5)

When Joe heard these words, he slightly nodded and immediately nodded.

Then she took a step back and looked into the room next to her.

Then she entered the room.

In the room, a gentle man sat. After seeing her, he stood up with a smile on his face, and then extended his hand to her, and said, "Hello Miss Qiao, please meet me for the first time. . "

Joe was shocked when he saw the man one by one.

After half a ring, he suddenly reacted to something. He immediately stretched out his hand and slapped the man on the shoulder. "I'm going, my second child, why are you here?"

The man known as the second child smiled immediately, and was completely different from the way he chats on the Internet. On the Internet, he would call her boss and be coquettish, but in reality, the second child is a mature and stable, even with With a little shy and gentle man.

Chen Yansheng sighed at Qiao Yiyi's move, but sat down, then pointed across the sofa, and said, "When will you return home, you will not contact me or notify me."

Joe laughed immediately: "When will I be back, how can you not know?"

Having said that, just look at him, "Otherwise, why would you cheat me here? Let's go, are you monitoring my whereabouts on the Internet again?"

When Chen Yansheng heard this, he immediately waved his hand. "I didn't do it on purpose. I just used to look at where you were. I knew you were back home. I saw that you had submitted a lot of resumes, so I thought you might be missing a job. and so……"

"I'm going, let's say, how can I deceive your big company with this fake education, it turned out to be this way!"

One by one, Qiao realized suddenly that he thought it would be difficult to find a job, but he didn't expect it would be so easy. After working for a long time, it was because of this.

She thought about it and sighed.

Chen Yansheng stood up, "Actually, our company really needs you, and I am sincerely recruiting you to come to our company."

Joe shook his head one by one, "No."

Chen Yansheng stunned, "Why?"

Joe stared at him one by one, and said after half a while, "You know why I'm returning home this time."

Chen Yansheng froze. "I know, I'm willing to help you."

"But I can't implicate you."

Qiao said with a smile, "My second child, I know that you are for my good, but I really can't involve my friends, so let's keep our distance."

Having said that, she stood up stupidly. "I am really glad to see your old friend today, but this is the end of it."

She immediately walked towards the door.

Chen Yansheng followed her, "Boss, you ..."

Without saying anything, Joe one by one opened the door and went out.

Chen Yansheng just chased out.

But as soon as he went out, he saw that Joe had stood at the door one by one and didn't move any more.

She even stared ahead, as if she had seen a ghost, and leaked shock.

Looking along her line of sight, Chen Yansheng saw Lu Nanze walking with a girl from room 815.

Perhaps he felt the gaze here, and Lu Nanze turned his head slowly.

For a while, Lu Nanze's eyes and Qiao Yiyi's eyes collided in the air.

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