You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1926: See you in five years (6)

The air seemed to be quiet at this moment.

The whole world has lost its voice.

They stood there in shock, staring at each other in disbelief.

No one thought that it would be so sudden to meet again.

Lu Nanze's eyes widened and he stared at Qiao Yiyi incredibly.

This is his Joe one by one, it is his innocence.

But it's not like it.

The absence of five years made Lu Nanze feel that he was about to forget what she looked like.

But her expression and her eyes still let Lu Nanze, except her.

Joe one by one was even more shocked.

She looked at Lu Nanze, looked at the face, and narrowed her eyes.

In fact, during this time, how many days and nights she couldn't help thinking of him.

Even if he knew he wasn't her anymore, he couldn't help thinking about him.

Now that's it ...


Joe looked up at room 815 one by one, and suddenly thought of what the man who had just gone out said she couldn't help but clenched her fists.

His eyes subconsciously fell on the girl beside Lu Nanze.

Petite and exquisite figure, with a little baby fat cheeks, exudes youthful breath.

That look is similar to what it was five years ago.

So ... in fact, is this the girl he likes?

So he's actually in a blind date right now?

Although I had told myself long ago, Lu Nanze had nothing to do with himself.

But when he thought that he was dating the woman in the inside, Qiao Yiyi couldn't help but choked, and it hurt a lot.

She narrowed her eyes and stared at Landing Nanze. After half a ring, she stepped forward and walked forward.

And Lu Nanze came to this side in shock.

The two face to face, approaching step by step, both seem to have something, which stabbed Joe one by one.

Every step of him seemed to step on her heart, and she took a deep breath, which depressed the sadness in her heart.

Then, Lu Nanze stood strong in front of her step by step.

The two looked at each other several times.

Even though Qiao had grown taller, he stood slightly in front of Lu Nanze.

She looked up and stared at Landing Nanze.

In Lu Nanze's eyes, it was as if he could drip water.

Let Joe one by one see through his emotions, but can feel the fluctuations of his emotions.

When she stared at Nanze, she heard Lu Nanze's silence for a long time, and then she said, "It's been a long time, I haven't seen you."

It ’s true, it ’s been a long time.

Five years.

They have missed a full five years.

He saved his words and wanted to tell her.

I want to explain clearly what happened then.

But in the face of no trace, those words did not know where to start.

He wanted to organize his own language so that he could express her thoughts, guilt to her, and the truth of the events in the past five years more accurately.

However, before opening his mouth, before seeing the words, Qiao suddenly raised his lips, "Yeah, it's been a long time."

Immediately, she turned back, held Chen Yansheng's arm, and pointed to Nan Ze and said to Chen Yan Sheng: "Husband, this is my ex-husband, Lu Nanze."

After saying this, he introduced Lu Nanze again: "This is my current boyfriend, Chen Yansheng."

Then he raised his chin slightly, and the whole person became proud and proud.

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