You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1939: My mom is invisible! (9)

Lu Nanze didn't know how long he had stood there, but just stared at Qiao Yiyi and Xiao Ka Ka, and saw them go out. His line of sight first passed over Qiao Yiyi's body, and immediately fell on Xiao Ka Ka's body!

Xiao Kaka breathed a sigh of relief, and looked up at Joe one by one, meaning, you see, did you meet your father by chance?

Qiao Yiyi: ...

Qiao drew his lips one by one, then turned to look at Lu Nanze and asked, "What are you doing?"

Lu Nanze said, "I want to talk to you."

Joe lowered his eyes coldly, "I have nothing to talk to you about, I ..."

Before he finished speaking, his wrist was held by a pair of gentle little hands.

Joe shivered one by one, lowered his head, and saw Xiao Kaka looking up, staring at her with a look of anticipation.

Joe frowned one by one, and then compromised after half a ring. "Okay, you can talk to me, but you have to promise me one thing."

Lu Nanze immediately said nervously, "You say, I will promise you anything."

The words fell, adding, "As long as I can do it."

If she says to let herself go, then he says he can't do it.

Qiao Yi then said, "Play with Kaka for a day."

Lu Nanze froze.

Then lower your head and look at Xiao Kaka.

The petite Kaka was staring at him with a pair of eyes full of Lu Mu, and let Lu Nanze speak directly. "Okay, he ... is it called Kaka?"

Xiao Ka Ka nodded immediately. "Hello Dad, I want to introduce myself. My name is Qiao Ka Ka. I am four years old this year. I will meet for the second time. Please take care of me."

He was like a little grown-up, and Lu Nanze couldn't help but feel softened.

Lu Nanze nodded, "Okay, Xiao Ka Ka, hello, I'm your father."

Xiao Kaka stretched out his small hand and held Lu Nanze's big hand. "Then Dad is Kaka's father today, and will Kaka accompany her birthday?"

Lu Nanze was shocked. "Are you celebrating your birthday today?"

Xiao Kaka nodded.

Lu Nanze figured it out. After a one-on-one night stand with Qiao, she became pregnant and conceived in September. Isn't this month?

When he thought about it, he looked up and looked at Qiao Yiyi. It turned out that today, four years ago, she had given birth to a baby in a strange country and a strange place.

His eyes narrowed, and he immediately nodded. "Okay, dad is here with you today."

Having said that, he lowered his head, hugged Kaka, and placed it on his neck.

Kaka was startled, but couldn't help laughing.

Qiao Yi was stunned by Lu Nanze's actions. When she wanted to stop, she heard Kaka's voice, and she stopped her action immediately.

She looked at Kaka, smiling sweeter than those days before, and couldn't help but smile.

Life is already so hard, why bother making yourself so unhappy?

Since Kaka liked him, and Lu Nanze did not do anything to regret himself in a few years, why should he stop their father and daughter from getting in touch?

Kaka is so happy, let them do it.

As soon as Joe thought about it, he remained silent for a while and then followed.

Lu Nanze hugged Kaka, came to the underground parking lot, and then put Kaka directly on his nanny car.

He sat behind and looked at Joe One.

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