You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1940: My mom is invisible! (10)

Joe followed up without any pretense.

Lu Nanze felt relieved when he saw this situation.

As long as Joe is not awkward, they can have a rational conversation.

Qiao Yiyi is indeed unsympathetic. Since he wants to make Kaka happy, how can Kaka be happy if he struggles with Lu Nanze?

They are divorced, are they married?

But they can also be friends.

After all, they respected each other.

Just after getting in the car, Qiao Qiao saw Lu Nanze put Kaka on the seat one by one, and then picked up his mobile phone, and said to Kaka: "Kaka, you sit down for a while, Dad is busy. Come with you, okay? "

Kaka was obviously a little disappointed, but still nodded sensibly.

Seeing this one by one, Qiao couldn't help but sarcastically said: "General Manager Lu is really busy. He has no time to spend with his children."

The words fell, and saw Lu Nanze's hand holding the mobile phone slightly, then raised his head, looked at her with a bitter smile, but did not speak, but just lowered his head and continued to send any messages.

Seeing that he was really busy, Joe immediately became a little angry.

However, this anger could not be sent out.

She wanted to let Lu Nanze, sincerely, take a good day with Kaka.

But look at Lu Nanze's intensive look ...

She turned her head and looked out of the car.

After about fifteen minutes or so, Lu Nanze seemed to be finally busy, put the mobile phone next to him, and hugged the drowsy Kaka beside him and put it on his leg.

He picked up Kaka so, he looked at Qiao Yiyi, "Is this child a little petite? Is it too light to keep up with nutrition?"

Will a four-year-old boy be so light?

Qiao drew his lips one by one. He was just busy with Lu Nanze's work, and he didn't bother to click and was a little angry, so he spoke a little bit. Hungry for children! "

Lu Nanze: ...

Lu Nanze doesn't mean it at all, okay?

He just wanted to care about Kaka.

But seeing that Joe was unhappy, Lu Nanze still didn't explain.

Kaka spoke first, "Dad, I'm not light. I go for a physical examination every month. I have a standard weight!"

Lu Nanze: ... "Well, it may be that Dad has no experience."

Kaka nodded, "You will take me to play more in the future, you will know."

Joe sneered one by one and continued to look out the window.

Soon they arrived at the amusement park.

After a few people got out of the car, Qiao Yi was going to buy tickets next to him, but suddenly someone trot ran over and passed them the amusement park ticket and some hats. "Sir, you asked us to buy something Are ready. "

With this remark, Qiao immediately stopped, and she said subconsciously: "When do you let them ..."

Having said that, she suddenly paused, and she suddenly understood.

She misunderstood Lu Nanze.

After Lu Nanze got on the bus, he was not busy working. He was planning today's schedule. He wanted to make Kaka ’s birthday more perfect!

When I realized that I had misunderstood him, a feeling of guilt immediately occurred.

At this moment, I saw Lu Nanze didn't know where to play the trick, so he took out a bunch of flowers and handed it to her, "One by one, the child's birthday is the mother's hard day. Thank you four years ago for I continued my blood. "

PS: The plot is warm, see you tomorrow ~~

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