You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1950: She is not my daughter! (10)

Qiao hugged one by one, and after leaving Lu's house, he entered his sports car.

After placing Kaka on the child seat, Joe regretted them one by one.

In fact, she didn't know why she was so angry with Lu Nanze.

She also knew ... that Qiao Yiyi killed Lu Nanze's father, so Lu Nanze could not be wronged in any way.

But it was very annoying at that time, and everything was said in a rush.

She felt a little regretful now, not knowing if Lu Nanze was injured by herself.


She lowered her eyes and suddenly turned to glance.

Kaka's tears hadn't dried up, and she seemed to be staring at her as if she didn't understand what was happening at all, making Qiao Yiyi's heart harden again.

Kaka is Lu Nanze's daughter, but this night, Lu Nanze actually convicted Kaka by relying on the words of that person alone, and his heart was so far to the Pacific!

So why is she polite with Lu Nanze? !!

Thinking of this, Joe one by one started the throttle to go out.

After the car left the Lujia villa, Kaka asked: "Mom, where are we going?"

Kaka grew up with Joe one by one, even if Joe got angry one by one, she wouldn't be afraid.

When Joe heard these words, he was silent for a while, but he still said, "Back to our house."

Kaka nodded.

Then Qiao took a click and went to the villa where she was often injured.

In fact, today, after sending Ka Ka to Lu's house, she had already sent all her suitcases, but because she was in a hurry to go to work, she left in a hurry.

At this moment, with a click, she dragged the suitcase and went upstairs, looking at the unchanged furnishings in the room. She couldn't tell what it was like in her heart.

She fixedly looked at everything in the room. It seemed as if she had returned to the old days when she took refuge in the Lu family ...

At that time, although I also felt wronged and wanted to suppress my nature, now I think of it, in fact, that time in Lu's family was the most peaceful moment in her life.

As soon as I thought about it, I suddenly heard the door bell coming downstairs.

Joe shivered one by one.

They have just moved here, why is anyone coming?

While in doubt, Kaka had yelled, "Wow, it's dad!"

She went straight downstairs, and before Qiao refused, she opened the door, and then she flew into Lu Nanze's arms.

Qiao Yiyi: ...

Qiao stood upstairs one by one, watching Lu Nanze walking downstairs and coming in.

In his hand, he was carrying big bags and small things, probably because he had just quarreled, so at this moment, his expression was a little embarrassed and he didn't seem to look into her eyes.

After he put everything on the sofa, he looked up and looked at Joe one by one.

Joe narrowed his eyes one by one.

Lu Nanze pointed to those things, "These are things I added for Kaka."

What does it mean?

After bullying Kaka, so come to her to make amends? !!

But what they need is not to apologize, but not to be misunderstood!

Qiao sneered one by one, and then when he was going to sarcastically go back, he suddenly heard Lu Nanze's words, "No trace, you can calm down and listen to me tell you something about Peas?"

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