You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1951: Enemy Narrow Road (1)

Joe heard these words one by one, and hesitated slightly.

Looking at Lu Nanze, it seems that Doudou has any other story?

However, Lu Nanze may want to explain to him that his father was killed by Qiao Yiyi?

As soon as Joe thought about it, he wanted to refuse.

But before he refused, he saw Lu Nanze's appearance ...

He was originally a proud man, who was high above him, but at this moment, like a deep lady, standing there, telling himself in a negotiated tone, can you listen to him tell a story?

When did he set his status so low?

Therefore, he couldn't explain why he refused. Joe closed his eyes and nodded.

She went downstairs, came to the opposite side of Lu Nanze, and sat down expressionlessly.

I thought I heard it, but it was some old events that she had known for a long time, but did not expect Lu Nanze to speak, but mentioned one of her assistants: "I once had an assistant called Zhao Yang."

Joe froze one by one and nodded.

Lu Nanze continued to say, "He has been with me for the longest time, and he is also the most loyal to me. At that time ... I and Qiao Yiyi have always been unclear, unclear, and people outside said that Qiao Yiyi is my person. Actually, I haven't met Qiao Yiyi at all. Every time Qiao Yiyi comes to me, he is touched by Zhao Yang. "

Hearing this, Joe looked up one by one, and looked at Lu Nanze unbelievably!

What Lu Nanze wanted to express, she probably understood!

She knew what was going on!

So ... Doudou ...

"You are right, Doudou is not my daughter, but the daughter of Zhao Yang and Qiao Yiyi." Lu Nanze slowly said.

Then he stared at Qiao Yiyi, and then lowered his head after half a ring. "You know, our family is black to white. When I was young, I did a lot of swaggering things, a lot of enemies. Zhao Yang was my childhood Assistant, grew up with me, and it ’s not too much to say a heterosexual brother. I originally thought that he fell asleep when Qiao Yiyi fell asleep, but he never fell in love with Qiao Yiyi ... Later, he helped Qiao Yiyi , Did something that seemed to him that would not hurt me, and after I knew it, he was released to another place. "

When Joe heard this one by one, the whole person was a little shocked.

She immediately asked: "What then?"

Lu Nanze looked up. "Later, Qiao Yiyi drove and killed my father, and I sent her to the cell. Later ... I only knew that after Zhao Yang knew this, he felt guilty and anxious. Just then, I had some black-out finishing things, which were very threatening, and I needed to do it alone. He wiped my buttocks without a word, and died in the accident himself. He used his own death to thoroughly Breaking the black side of our Lu family can also be regarded as fulfilling my dream of turning black into white. "

Lu Nanze's tone was a bit heavy.

When he said that, there was nostalgia in his sight.

He and his assistant were really just because of Joe Yiyi.

But these things don't really blame him.

If it wasn't that he didn't want to touch Qiao Yiyi in the past, and let him go on his own, how could it happen later?

So in fact, after all, in the final analysis, Zhao Yang was hurt by himself.

He lowered his eyes, covering his remorse and regret.

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