You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 807: Who recorded the video? (1)

At this moment, Mei Feng was so pale that she was pale and shivering, but she was still in the cold wind.

The moment she saw her, the eyes of Shen Zihao shrank, and the whole person was like a cat with a tail on it.

"Oh!" The moment he stopped the car, he opened the door of the driver's seat and jumped down.

He went straight to Mei Feng!

On the way, the suspicions that Mei Feng had in her heart disappeared at this moment, accompanied by seeing her miserable look!

What if Mei Feng is fake?

At least here for herself, begging Xia Yehua to raise her noble hand.

He suddenly came to her, grabbing her arm directly, "Aunt Mei, what are you doing here? Get up!"

When Mei Feng heard this, she slowly turned her head, as if she had noticed the arrival of Shen Zihao. She suddenly raised her eyes and said, "Zihao, why are you here?"

Shen Zihao's face was iron-blue, and he looked at the confined door.

The big iron gate was cold without a trace of temperature.

It's like blocking him out.

Suddenly a sad thought came to his mind.

It was like eight years ago, Xia Yehua left Shen's house with Shen Liangchuan, but abandoned him!

Shen Zihao clenched his fists tightly, and then went straight forward!

He raised his arm and slammed the doorbell.

The sound of "Ding Ding Ding" sounded, but he was still unsatisfied and beat hard.

After a while, the big iron door finally opened.

Li Yan appeared there, with impatience in his voice, "Why? You can't kneel down? Then you just go, what else do you want to do?"

After speaking, I also clearly saw the person in front of me, and suddenly my eyes widened, "Master Zihao?"

Shen Zihao's eyes looked like they were going to eat people, and looked at Li Ye ironically, "Li Ye, you are just a babysitter from our family! Really think you are a root onion ?! Give me a break!"

The poisonous tongue person, in the case of madness, will not take care of it at all, a word of himself may hurt the loyal servant who followed his mother from an early age!

Li Huan turned pale.

She took a step back, and Shen Zihao had rushed in.

When hearing the door knock outside, Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan looked at each other, hurried up and down the stairs, and went out.

As soon as he walked to the door, he heard Shen Zihao's words. Qiao Lian saw that Shen Liangchuan's face suddenly turned black. He took a step forward and grabbed Shen Zihao's arm. "Apologize to Li Yi!"

"Apologize? Why should I apologize? Am I wrong? Why is she screaming at someone?"

Shen Liangchuan's eyes sank.

Xia Yehua had heard the voice, came out of the room, saw Shen Zihao, and was immediately surprised: "Zihao is here?"

Shen Zihao sneered, "I'm here, if I don't come, how do you know you're so stingy with my aunt Mei! Mom, I never knew, you are such a cruel man!"

He turned his head and looked at Mei Feng, who was chasing in, and watching her under the help of the bodyguard, those two legs were shaking, wearing a thin person, kneeling on the ground for so long, must be frozen!

All of a sudden his heart twitched.

He suddenly thought that five years ago, he was in a bad mood because his mother had left him, and caused trouble when he was playing outside, and his father also sent him to the temple to kneel.

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