You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 808: Who recorded the video? (2)

It was also a winter, the ground was cold and biting.

He was alone, feeling as if he had been abandoned by the whole world.

He couldn't help thinking that if his mother was at home, say a few words for him at this time, he would not be so sad.

Later, he knew that he was kneeling in the shrine, and Mei Feng was kneeling in front of his father, asking him to spare him.

Dad finally let loose, and Mei Feng supported him, and immediately covered his knees with a quilt. He also said, "Human knees, the most important thing is that this joint must not be cold. "Beware, you're thin, and now your knees hurt from time to time."

Her knees were already bad, but for him, she had suffered so much.

At that moment, he swore in his heart that he would treat Mei Feng as a mother in the future.

My mother doesn't want him. Someone wants him.

But now, once again, Mei Feng was humiliated because he knelt down and was spread to the Internet!

All of a sudden Shen Zihao's complexion turned red.

Xia Yehua heard the words of heartless and ruthless, and he walked away.

After being hurt by Shen Zihao so many times, she felt her heart numb.

She stared at the person in front of her.

After a while, I finally couldn't help but say, "Zihao, I used to think that leaving you at Shen's house was the right choice. But now, I really regret it!"

"If you had known for a long time, you would become such a person who could not tell right from wrong, who was led by his nose, even if it was begging, I want you to follow me!"

Shen Zihao's eyes narrowed.

Xia Yehua Is this why he didn't distinguish right from wrong?

He sneered sarcastically, only feeling cold in his heart.

The disappointed expression in Xia Yehua's eyes completely hurt him.

Mei Feng had already cried, "Sister Xia, it doesn't matter if you hate me! But don't move angry Zihao! Zihao is so good, why can't he tell right from wrong? Who treats him well, he feels it!"

She was furious, as if she was defending what she cared about the most, and rushed to Shen Zihao. She stood directly in front of Shen Zihao and looked at Xia Yehua. "Sister Xia, I still say that, you can scold Me, but please don't scold Zihao! "

"I also want to thank you for leaving Zihao at the Shen family, so that I have such a good son! You don't want it, I want it!"

You don't want it, I want ...

Shen Zihao's eyes became red instantly.

Yeah, he was never the child that mom wanted.

What she wants is always Shenliangchuan!

When thinking of this, Shen Zihao smiled ironically, "Ms. Xia, I'm sorry to disappoint you! So, is it our Shen family that became the joke of Beijing, my wedding, and the biggest talk in Beijing, Are you happy ?! "

In a word, Xia Yehua said for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean ?!" Shen Zihao picked up the phone, opened the video directly, and handed it to the crowd.

He said angrily: "Let Aunt Mei be a joke for the entire network, is this your revenge?"

"You are so cruel! In this case, what other face does Aunt Mei see?"

"Ms. Xia, the next time you want to get revenge on someone else, can you think about your unjust son so that he can raise his head in front of a friend!"

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