You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 815: who's that person? (1)

Shen Liangchuan's eyes narrowed, and he grabbed the card in his hand.

Forget his hatred?

He never forgets it all day.

However, he could no longer avenge him.

He sat quietly in the study for a while, then stood up, shredded the cards, and threw them into the trash basket.

He narrowed his eyes, and while he was thinking, the study room door was quietly pushed open a gap.

He opened his eyes and looked over, and saw that Qiao Lian had a glass of milk in his hand and walked in.

She blinked her eyes, put the milk on his table, and said, "You just told Li Min to bring you coffee, and I'll send it over to you."

Shen Liangchuan heard the words, and for a moment, she stared at the milk in her hands.

Qiao Lian laughed very dog-legged, "Go to bed if you are out of spirit. Don't drink coffee to refresh yourself, this is bad for your nerves."

She took a step forward and walked behind him automatically, reached out her hand, and pressed it against his temple. "Is this comfortable?"

The soft touch and the scent of fragrance make Shen Liangchuan feel extra calm.

Qiao Lian he knows has always been a carefree character.

When is it so meticulous and so pleasing?

Shen Liangchuan held her hand, and buried her face in her palm.

He made her worry.

He put her arms around her waist and stood up. "Okay, let's go downstairs for lunch."

Qiao Lian was relieved and followed him downstairs.

Qiao Yi is still chatting with Xia Yehua. One has a sweet mouth and the words are very nice. One likes juniors. Both of them almost become year-end friends. Xia Yehua is laughing when they go down.

Although he smiled reluctantly, but it can be seen that Qiao Yi had been happy to Xia Yehua.

Qiao Lian went downstairs, first hugged Xia Yehua, and then said: "It's over, mom, you now have Xiaoyi and don't like me anymore! I'm out of favor!"

Xia Yehua suddenly laughed even harder, "How could it be, I have always liked you the most!"

"Mom, you have to remember what you said, no matter how good Xiao Yi can't call your mother, I'm your daughter-in-law!"

Xia Yehua held out her finger and pointed at her, "You, the narrow-minded ghost, is laughing at me!"

Shen Liangchuan stood on one side, watching this warm scene.

He knew that his young Qiao was afraid that Shen Zihao would hurt Xia Yehua's heart, so he tried hard to make her smile.

She is so nice to Xia Yehua because Xia Yehua is his mother.

She worked so hard, so cute, and so intimate.

How is he willing to hurt her?

How could he hurt her?

Shen Liangchuan lowered his eyes.

Several people ate together, and Shen Liangchuan took the excuse to go to the study to handle business. After entering the study, he took two pills.

After eating, he stayed in the room for a while before heading for the bedroom.

As soon as I went in, I saw Qiao Lian holding a mobile phone, lying on the bed and watching a video.

He walked behind her in doubt and looked at it from a high angle, only to find out that she was practicing how to massage.

As she looked, she stuck out her fingers.

Serious look, it makes people feel warm.

Shen Liangchuan depressed all the emotions in his heart, and so suppressed.

The sudden pressure shocked Qiao Lian, who was addicted to the video.

Before she returned, she clasped both hands.

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