You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 816: who's that person? (2)

Immediately, a hot kiss fell on her lips.

Qiao loved a moment, then felt a joy.

Shen Liangchuan's mood is not normal these days, of course she knows.

But she didn't know what she was going to do for him, she could only do her modest efforts.

At this moment, Shen Liangchuan seemed to have figured out something and took the initiative to affect her.

She responded to his kiss.

A kiss, starting from the taste of 辄, finally, the temperature between the two people is rising, and it has become a moan and groan unsuitable for children ...

After a lively exercise, Shen Liangchuan lay beside Qiao Lian.

I don't know if the sleeping pills played a role or if the atmosphere between the two was too good at the moment, the eyelids of Shen Liangchuan gradually became heavy.

He was like a lame beast, the whole person was in a relaxed state, and finally fell into sleep.

Qiao Lian couldn't sleep, staring at his handsome face in a daze.

Mo Wuxin, how did he die?

Why didn't he say anything?

Qiao Lian lay beside him, staring at the ceiling.

It's noon, but she hasn't had the habit of taking a nap.

But at that moment, she suddenly heard the whisper of the man beside her: "No intention, sorry."


How guilty he is, that he can't let himself go even in his sleep.

Qiao Lian suddenly felt bad for him.

Very distressed, very distressed.


Shen Liangchuan was awakened by a telephone ring.

The moment he woke up, the ringing of the cell phone vibrated in his ear, while he stared at the ceiling blankly.

Xu hadn't slept so much for too long, letting him reflect for a while, then he knew where he was.

While he was in a daze, the ringtone of the cell phone finally stopped.

He rolled over and wanted to continue to sleep.

But at that moment, the door was pushed open, and Qiao Lian took her cell phone and walked in. "Shen Liangchuan, Song Cheng said that something important is looking for you."

Shen Liangchuan sat up, picked up Qiao Lian's phone, put it in her ear, "Hey ..."

"Brother Shen, Song Yuanxi is found!"

All the sleepiness of Shenliangchuan was accompanied by this sentence, and the smoke disappeared!

Song Yuanxi couldn't face him and Xiao Qiao, so he ran away last time.

For some time now, even throughout the year, I didn't know where she was.

She seemed to have evaporated from Beijing, and she couldn't find anyone.

Recently, Shen Liangchuan has been nervous.

If something happened to Song Yuanxi, then he really couldn't explain to Mo.

I finally found it today!

He lifted the quilt, got out of bed, picked up his pants and put it on his body. "Where?"


They made an appointment to meet in a cafe.

When Shen Liangchuan was about to arrive, Song Yuanxi was sitting there, squinting with a cup of cappuccino in her hand.

Seeing Shen Liangchuan, she stood up shyly.

Song Yuanxi has always been a weak girl, but at this moment, she is wearing a delicate dress and is dressed like a doll.

Shen Liangchuan first noticed that the clothes on her body were very valuable.

When Song Yuanxi left them, he left directly from the sanitarium.

She didn't bring any property, and she had no use for the money he had given her before.

So who bought this dress for her?

Or, where did she buy the money?

Shen Liangchuan frowned and strode forward to her.

The two looked at each other like this. After a while, Shen Liangchuan said, "Follow me."

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