You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 822: wedding! !! (4)

The two old men stood face to face, and each of them was bitter and bitter.

Inside the bank, they suddenly offered 8.88 million cash, and they didn't handle it at all!

And this gift is too late!

Now, let them suddenly come up with a 9.99 million check tomorrow, they can't get it!

But if you return the 888 check in this way, it will definitely not look good.

Even if everyone knows that the 9.99 million yuan contains 8.88 million in gifts from the Shen family, but people who are more careful will feel dull!

What can I do now?

Xia Nuan Nuan saw their looks and felt a lot of distress.

She said, "Dad, mom, in fact, you don't need to do this. Marriage is between me and Shen Zihao. It has nothing to do with these dowry gifts."

Dad Xia frowned. "Nonsense! The dowry brought you into their house to tell them that my daughter doesn't worry about eating or wearing, not eating from their house. You can straighten your waist in the future when you stay in their house! "

At this point, he sighed, "Otherwise I'll go out and think of a way."

Xia Nuannu saw this look and bit his lip.

Dad has never been to Beijing at all. What can he think of now?

She bit her lip. "Dad, let me figure it out."


When Qiao Lian received Xia Nuannu's phone call, it was already nine o'clock at night.

It was already dark, and seeing her cell phone, Qiao Lian was a little bit nervous.

Tomorrow is the wedding. So late, Xia Nuannu still called, there must be something wrong.

After answering, Xia Nuannun briefly talked about the matter, and finally said: "I can't get the check for 8.88 million here, but I'm really friends in Beijing, I ..."

When she said that, she felt panic on her face.

Qiao Lian understood her very well. "Don't worry, I'll ask Shen Liangchuan, there will be a solution."

She didn't hang up and went to Shen Liangchuan's study.

Because of her anxiety, she did not knock on the door and pushed in directly.

I saw him sitting in a chair, staring at a bottle of medicine in his hand.

She froze slightly and stepped forward. "What medicine is this?"

When Shen Liangchuan saw her, the panic flashed in his eyes, and then he calmly put the medicine bottle into his drawer, "Vitamin, are you looking for something?"

Qiao Lian was transferred to the topic, and he immediately opened his mouth, pointed at his mobile phone, and told Xia Nuannuan things again.

Shen Liangchuan stood up and picked up her clothes. "You tell her, we'll be right there."

Hanging up the phone, on the way to the hotel, Qiao Lian looked at Shen Liangchuan and felt that he was really a cold and hot person.

Even if he didn't look down on Shen Zihao anymore, but it was related to his wedding, he hurriedly came up with a way to help Xia Nuannuo, definitely on Shen Zihao's face.

Shen Liangchuan came forward, and soon, a 9.99 million check with the name of Xia Nuannu was written.

Dad Xia felt guilty and was very grateful to Liang Liangchuan.

After Shen Liangchuan and Qiao Lian left, Dad Xia looked at Xia Nuannuan and said intently: "I see that stepmother of the Shen family, it is a bit difficult to fight, you should contact Zihao's mother in the future. After all, it is blood It ’s related, what happened to the two of you in the future, and maybe only his mother and brother can help you. "

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