You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 823: wedding! !! (5)

The next day was the grand wedding of Shen Zihao and Xia Nuannu.

Early in the morning, Xia Yehua got up and called Qiao Lian. The two women in the locker room discussed what clothes to wear.

Xia Yehua nervously held a big red dress and gestured to her: "Today is Zihao's great wedding day. How about I wear this dress?"

Qiao Lian said, "Pretty, and happy!"

Xia Yehua shook her head. "But it's too bright. My age ... forget it."

After that, throw that dress aside.

Qiao Lian grabbed Xia Yehua's hand, "Mom, today you are the mother-in-law! Of course you have to wear a bit more colorful! You are too elegant, Zihao will not be happy!"

Xia Yehua was a little tangled and hesitated.

Shen Liangchuan, wearing her own suit, stood at the door, "Mom, isn't it just for a wedding? Why are you so nervous?"

Xia Yehua rolled her eyes, "What do you know? This is the first time my son has married a daughter-in-law! Of course I'm nervous!"

As soon as the words came out, the whole room suddenly became quiet.

Xia Yehua hurriedly looked up, and saw that Qiao Lian did hold her slightly.

Looking at Shen Zihao and Xia Nuannuan preparing for the wedding, Qiao Lian always felt that something was strange in his heart, and it was always a bit unpleasant.

At this moment, she finally understood.

Because the wedding that belongs to her has not yet arrived.

At this moment, Xia Yehua ordered it all of a sudden, and Qiao Lian suddenly felt at a loss.

She didn't know how to take this sentence, her eyes flickered a few times, then she turned her head and met Shen Liangchuan's gaze.

Shen Liangchuan didn't think about this problem. Hearing Xia Yehua's words, his eyes were dark, he looked up at Qiao Lian, but saw the girl's eyes flicker, obviously he didn't want to ask this question.

Thinking of her original intention to marry her, thinking that he owed her a wedding, and thinking that recently, she always tried to make him and Xia Yehua happy.

But he had left her in the cold for a few days because of an inattention.

Suddenly feeling guilty, he suddenly entered the room.

He slowly said, "Little Joe, I will give you a special wedding."

Having said that, he looked at Xia Yehua, "Mom, you happen to learn today and prepare me for the wedding and learn from the experience."

Xia Yehua noticed the embarrassment between the two people, immediately held Qiao Lian's hand, and smiled and said, "Well, we will not be in Beijing, we will find an island! You must do it very romanticly!"

Qiao Lian listened to the words of Shen Liangchuan and Xia Yehua, deliberately held his face, and then said, "Who said that he would marry you, you didn't even ask for marriage! I won't marry you!"

Having said that, turning around, Ao Jiao began to choose a dress for herself.

Xia Yehua gave Shen Liangchuan a look, took the clothes in his hand, and quietly left the room.

Qiao Lian had no idea what was happening behind him, but was thinking about what kind of dress to wear today. He was thinking about it. He had always been a warm hand, and suddenly the landlord had her waist, and the man's shallow breath was sprayed on Around her neck: "Little Joe, I love you."

Qiao Lian: ...

Qiao Lian's movement froze.

She stood there unbelievably, only feeling a little sour in her eyes.

She lowered her head and said "um".

Shen Liangchuan said again, "Will you marry me?"

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