You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 830: wedding! !! (12)

Seeing Shen Zihao, Mei Feng said directly: "Warm and warm, Zihao drinks too much, take care of him."

Xia Nuannuo nodded.

Mei Feng led the nanny and left their bedroom.

Xia Nuannu took off her bulky wedding dress by herself, and then went to the bathroom and took off the black hair cards with the hair in the hair one by one. When they were all picked, she started to remove her makeup.

After everything was handled, she finally put on her home clothes, and then walked to the bed.

On the bed, Shen Zihao drank too much, was sleeping, his breathing sound was very even, and there was a fragrance of wine in the air.

Xia Nuannon stared at Shen Zihao.

they got married.

Finally married.

She has been the wife of this person ever since.

Even now, I still feel like dreaming.

She was thinking, but Shen Zihao suddenly moved. He frowned, and spit out on the side of his head.

With the sour taste of stomach fluid, Xia Nuannun, who had not had morning sickness, suddenly felt a twitch in the stomach.

She hurriedly covered her mouth and nose, rushed to the window, opened the window, and gasped heavily.

When people felt better, they turned around and saw Shen Zihao frowning and lying on the bed again.

She then walked over and found that Shen Zihao was fine on the carpet ...

Seeing the slimy one, she felt another twitch in her stomach.

She hurriedly turned her head away, opened the window, and wanted to smell the room.

Then he went to the door and opened the door.

She has never been a spoiled person, but pregnant women sometimes do not have control over their physiological reactions.

When she went downstairs, she saw that Mei Feng was directing everyone to take off the word hi.

She walked over and whispered, "Aunt Mei."

Mei Feng turned around and looked over.

Xia Nuannon said: "Can you find someone and help with cleaning, Zihao vomited."

As soon as the sentence fell, Mei Feng smiled. "Warm and warm, you married our Zihao, should you take care of him?"

Xia Nuannuan froze, "I smelled that smell ..."

Before I finished speaking, I was interrupted again by Mei Feng, "I know, I vomited, the taste must be unpleasant, but at that time your husband, and let the nanny go in to take care of the drunk him, do you think it is OK?

Xia Nuannon was blocked by speechlessness, and she nodded. "I see, Aunt Mei."

So I went upstairs, went into the bathroom, picked up the mop, walked in, and cleaned.

Holding back the convulsions in her stomach, she finally cleaned up the stains on the carpet, and then couldn't help but rushed to the bathroom, vomiting up, and vomiting all the lunch meal.

Xia Nuannuan vomited with some weakness, and came out to sit on the sofa to rest.

Just then, the phone suddenly rang.

She answered, and the voice of her mother came across, "Warm and warm, I'll go home with your dad in the afternoon, get ready at home, and wait for you to come back in three days."

Xia Nuannu couldn't bear it, she said, "Mom ..."

"Well, you're married, and you'll be grown-ups later. Take care of yourself. Have you heard?"


"Also, today's dowry is a check. In your aunt Mei's hand, you remember to come back. If she doesn't mention it, you have to remember to remind."


"Then I hung up."


"what happened?"

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