You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 831: wedding! !! (13)

"Nothing." Xia Nuannu felt a sad feeling in his heart, "I, I just miss you."

"Stupid boy, what do you want me to do? We will see you in three days! Anything else? I'm fine."

"It's okay."

"Well, remember to dowry, that money, but all our savings."

Xia Nuannu nodded again.

After hanging up the phone, she sat there, staring blankly at everything strange around her, and finally fell on Shen Zihao in bed.

He comes from a young and old age and doesn't know how to take care of people.

But Shen Zihao was really good to her.

She feels uncomfortable now, it must be because she has just arrived in an unfamiliar environment and she is a bit unsuitable. This must be the case.

Thinking of this, Xia Nuannu took a deep breath.


It was getting dark, and Shen Zihao finally woke up.

After falling asleep, he felt a bit of headache.

Xia Nuanan was relieved when he finally woke up.

Shen Zihao asked: "What time is it?"

"Six o'clock." Xia Nuannuo stepped forward. "How are you feeling?"

Shen Zihao rubbed his head, sat up, and then said, "It's so late, have you had dinner?"

Xia Nuannu said, "No."

Shen Zihao froze, "Aren't you hungry?"

Xia Nuannu hurriedly said, "Not hungry."

But with this sentence, a "coo" sound was made in the stomach.

Shen Zihao: ...

Shen Zihao got up, "This is our home, and I will talk when I am hungry."

Xia Nuannuar heard this and looked up. She didn't say anything.

This is his home, but not hers.

Xia Nuannu laughed and nodded softly.

The two went downstairs together, and Mei Feng was sitting in the living room, waiting for them, and seeing them come down before she said, "It's time to start dinner!"

Shen Xiu came down from the study upstairs.

Xia Nuan Nuan saw him and immediately shouted, "Dad."

Shen Xiu frowned, and said coldly "um", then reprimanded: "In the future, I have to ask the adult first, after stepping down today, and going to give that woman a hoe, you asked me and I agreed ?"

After hearing this, Shen Zihao frowned, "This is my idea!"

Shen Xiu immediately frowned, "Your idea? I don't think you had this idea before you got married!"

Shen Xiu looked at Xia Nuannu, and what else he wanted to say, Xia Nuannu already lowered his head and his eyes were red, "Dad, I know I'm wrong."

In a word, let Shen Xiu take a look.

I also want to say what she ordered, but Xia Nuan Nuan lowered her head and her eyes were red, which made her look unbearable.

In the end, she is a woman with a tender feeling, and makes people yell at her aloud, and she feels a kind of sin.

When Shen Xiu got to his mouth, it became, "Don't do that in the future!"

Then walked past Xia Nuannu.

When Mei Feng saw this look, there was a flash of color in her eyes.

During dinner at night, the four said nothing.

After eating well, Xia Nuannon looked at Mei Feng and waited for her to say about 9.99 million.

But Mei Feng did not say a word as if she had forgotten it.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Shen Xiu stood up. "Okay, let's go to rest today."

Xia Nuannon watched as the two were about to go upstairs, and finally couldn't help it, she said, "Dad, Aunt Mei!"

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