You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 834: This is a sleeping pill! (2)

How many?

Thinking of her action just taking the medicine, Shen Liangchuan was startled, took a step forward, and looked at her anxiously, "How many have you taken? Spit it out!"

Qiao Lian hid back, "Why? It doesn't matter if you eat too much vitamins!"

"What do you feel now? Spit it out! It's a sleeping pill, and it will kill you if you eat too much!"

Shen Liangchuan anxiously shouted.

But as soon as this remark was made, the study was quiet for a moment.

Qiao Lian stared at him stupidly. "It turns out that this is a sleeping pill?"

Shen Liangchuan saw her reaction, then realized that she was fooled.

She didn't eat anything at all.

Qiao Lian did not eat.

Although these days, Shen Liangchuan seems to have restored his previous life.

However, she could feel that he had been reluctant to himself.

Reluctant to treat her well, barely get angry, and even force herself to sleep.

His life is no different than before.

But she could feel it different.

It's still different.

When he was laughing, he laughed so perfunctoryly.

She just came to call him and saw that he had taken the medicine, and she felt that the medicine was wrong.

But it turns out ...

This is a sleeping pill.

During this time, every day before going to bed, the medicine he must eat is a sleeping pill!

What's wrong with him, why rely on sleeping pills to help sleep!

Qiao Lian stood up and stared at him, "Shen Liangchuan, tell me, why do you take sleeping pills?"

The medicinal properties of sleeping pills have come up.

Shen Liangchuan felt so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes, and his whole brain was a little confused.

He looked at Qiao Lian, "Xiao Qiao, don't make trouble."

Qiao Lian shook her head, "I'm not in trouble, but this medicine can't be taken!"

"Okay, I don't eat."

"Then tell me, why do you take medicine?"

Shen Liangchuan rubbed his temples. "I haven't been able to sleep recently. I'm too stressed."

Qiao Lian listened to this perfunctory remark, and finally closed his eyes.

Holding the bottle tightly in her hand, she said after half a ringing, "Let's go to sleep now."

"it is good."

She followed Shen Liangchuan and went into the bedroom.

Lying on the bed, it didn't take long for the sound of shallow breathing in Shenliangchuan to fall asleep.

Qiao Lian couldn't sleep, staring at a pair of big eyes, staring at the ceiling.

In the end, she closed her eyes.

All night, she slept uneasily, and then in the middle of the night, she suddenly heard the people around her and sat up stunned.

She opened her eyes and saw Shen Liangchuan sitting there. He seemed to have a headache. He pressed his head tightly, and then he stood up and walked out lightly.

Qiao Lian sat up and followed him quietly.

I saw him go to the study, opened the drawer, and was rummaging for something.

Qiao Lian went in, looked at him, and picked up the sleeping pill she held in her palm: "Are you looking for this again?"

Shen Liangchuan looked back at the drug, tightened his chin, and nodded.

With a face in his face, Qiao Lian said nothing, and took a step forward, passing him the sleeping pills.

Shen Liangchuan picked up, opened the bottle, took out two capsules, and stuffed them into his mouth.

Then, a bottle of water was brought to him.

When he turned back, he saw that Qiao Lian was helping him carry water.

Shen Liangchuan hesitated, reached out his hand, and took the water glass: "This medicine is all right, the doctor said ..."

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