You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 835: This is a sleeping pill! (3)

Without saying anything, I saw two rows of huge teardrops pouring out from Qiao Lian's eyes.

The teardrop rolled down her cheek and fell to the ground.

It was like a drop of hot water dripping into his heart.

Shen Liangchuan's heart twitched.

He hurriedly put down the medicine in his hand, put down the water in his hand, picked up the tissue in a panic, and wiped her tears.

However, her tears grew more and more fierce, and finally Shen Liangchuan was at a loss.

He looked at her: "Little Joe, don't cry, I ..."

Before he finished speaking, Qiao Lian suddenly turned around and hugged him!

"Stupid! Sleeping pills have side effects. Do you think I'm a fool? Why do you take these pills and hurt your body?"

The sound of her crying made him totally confused.

He looked at her anxiously, but could only repeat the sentence: "Don't cry, Xiao Qiao, don't cry."

"Then you promised me not to take medicine, okay?"

"it is good."

"I help you massage. I have learned a lot of massages recently."

"it is good."

Qiao Lian stopped crying and dragged Shen Liangchuan's hand into the master bedroom.

He was lying on the bed, she was sitting in front of him, reached out his hand, and massaged gently on his head.

He closed his eyes.

For a while, no one spoke in the room.

Ten minutes passed, and his breathing became even, as if falling asleep.

Qiao Lian didn't stop.

An hour passed, he remained motionless, and his breathing frequency remained unchanged.

Qiao Lian still didn't stop.

Two hours passed.

The man on the bed opened his eyes.

He suddenly turned around and hugged Qiao Lian.

He thought that if she fell asleep, she would rest.

But he didn't expect that he had been pretending for two hours, but she didn't stop.

He knew that she always knew that he was not asleep.

At this moment, he only felt sad.

Qiao Lian also hugged him heavily.

Two people, lying on the bed, hugging each other tightly.

But none of them spoke, just like that ... open their eyes to dawn.

It was finally dawning.

Shen Liangchuan was relieved, looked at the time, and sat up.

He looked at Qiao Lian, and bent down and kissed her forehead.

Seeing Qiao Lian not talking, he said again, "I promise you, I won't take sleeping pills anymore, will you?"

Joe nodded in love.

Shen Liangchuan changed her fitness clothes and went out.

The moment the door was closed, Qiao Lian buried her head in the quilt, and tears rolled down again.

She didn't know why she was crying, she just knew that the taste of insomnia was uncomfortable.

She even knew that taking too much sleeping pills was bad for her health.

But now, what should she do?

How painful it is for Shen Liangchuan not to sleep overnight?

And the human body will be crushed!

Deep in his heart, what did he endure?

Qiao Lian clenched the quilt, crying so hard that she could not cry.


When Shen Liangchuan was working out, she was a little absent-minded.

His recent insomnia has actually eased.

However, yesterday, when I read Mo's unconscious death record, the symptoms showed that he was suddenly strengthened a lot.

The cold morning air blows his head, making his thinking especially clear at this moment.

He understood that he was fooled.

The person who sent him something was not Mo Wuxin, but let him check it himself, which is equivalent to the pain of eight years ago, and experienced it again.

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