You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 860: The truth eight years ago! (8)

The call was quickly connected, and the captain said, "Hello, how are you ..."

"Captain, I'm Joe."

The captain was surprised and immediately surprised, "Xiao Qiao, are you okay?"

Qiao Lian's eyes stared straight ahead. "Are you free now? I want to talk to you about Zichuan and Mo Wuxin."

"Okay, so, let's talk face to face. I'm going to have a meeting now. About an hour later there will be time. Where are you, I will let you find you soon.

After hearing this, Qiao Lian said slowly: "In Zhou Song's graveyard."

"it is good."


Qiao Lian first intercepted the taxi and came to Zhou Song's graveyard.

She stood in front of the cemetery.

Because it is still winter, the outside air is a bit cold.

She was wearing a white down jacket with a pale face and no blood.

She looked and stared at the picture on the graveyard.

Thinking of her being here last time and crying, she took a deep breath.

No intention.

It turned out that he was Mo Wuxin.


When she met Zichuan, Zichuan had a friend named Mo Wuxin.

At that time, she chased behind Zichuan and wanted to let Zichuan take her to play games.

At that time, Mo Wuxin often talked to her in the game.

At first, they each looked at each other displeasedly.

But for Zichuan, barely team up to play together.

Later ... she found that Mo Wuxin was playing well.

The three of them became fox friends and dog friends.

Later, when there was a couple's skin, she and Shen Liangchuan were alone. When playing the game, she wanted to show a kind of love in the game. Whenever she saw it, she would ridicule them: show love, die fast.

At that time, she couldn't help but speak and scolded him: I think you are jealous? Mo Wuxin, when do you find a girlfriend!

Mo could not help but say: "I am so young, what do I love early? I won't find a girlfriend!"

He never really found a girlfriend afterwards.

At that time, she occasionally wanted to play games with Shen Liangchuan, and when she secretly wanted to be together, she could always see him.

She remembered one time when she really didn't want to be with Mo Wuxin.

So he teamed up and invited Shen Liangchuan.

As soon as Shen Liangchuan clicked in, she clicked to start.

I feel that I can finally leave Mo inadvertently, and I am proud of it.

After entering the game, she typed and chat with Shen Liangchuan.

[Little Qiao: Are you two together? 】

[Zichuan: Yes]

[Little Qiao: Haha, thankfully I ordered it fast, otherwise, I will take him again! 】

The other side was silent for a while, and said nothing.

Two people started playing.

Hitting the average, Qiao Lian felt a little strange.

Today's Zhou Yu seems to play a little differently!

They usually practice hand-to-hand killings, and they are all one hit!

But today, why did he say hello to him and rushed in to kill someone, this guy didn't even give her a break!

She was killed directly!

Zichuan turned and ran away.

Qiao Lian has been snoozed.

She typed and asked:

[Little Qiao: Are you out of state today? 】

[Zichuan: In the state. 】

[Little Qiao: Then you just didn't save me! 】

[Zichuan: Who asked you to play games without me? 】

[Little Qiao: ...? 】

She froze, and then reacted violently, hurriedly typing:

[Little Qiao: You are Mo heartless! !! 】

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