You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 861: The truth eight years ago! (9)

[Zichuan: Hahahahahahaha! I'm playing with Zichuan today! You just invited me, I was about to invite him in, and you clicked to start! 】

Qiao Lian: ...! !!

She knew that every weekend, two people would basically get together to play.

As long as you change seats, you can play with your number.

Qiao Lian was furious.

She wanted to get rid of Mo Wuxin, and live a life of two people, but did not expect to pull the wrong person!

Thinking of the past, Qiao Lian couldn't help but smile.

The three of them have a really good relationship.

Even though she was fighting with Mo Wuxin every day and scolded him every day, she was still in her heart and regarded him as her best friend.

Later, they will set up a club.

When playing games, as a profession, no one in the clan stood unconditionally with her and Zichuan. Only Mo Wuxin followed them, and rushed in together.

Thinking of this, Qiao Lian took a deep breath.

She squatted down and stared at Mo Wuxin quietly.

I didn't know how long it took before I finally heard footsteps behind me.

When she turned back, she saw the captain dressed in a freshman in black, and the dusty stride came over. When she saw Qiao Lian, she smiled and said, "Little Qiao, I have kept you waiting! Our meeting was delayed by half an hour."

Qiao Lian shook his head. "It's okay. You can come to see me in your busy schedule. It's good."

The captain turned his head and looked at the tombstone.

Then he looked at Qiao Lian again, and then asked, "You are ..."

He thought of Xiao Qiao's crying appearance when he knew for the first time that Zichuan was dead. The doubts these days finally asked, "The three of you disappeared from the team together. I thought I was a child. Chuan had a car accident, and you lost your mind about playing games, but ... don't you know about Zichuan's car accident? "

Qiao Lian nodded when he heard this.

The captain wanted to ask, but opened his mouth, but said in the end: "Xiao Qiao, all the past things have passed. You are now Shen Yingdi's wife, and live with him in the future. If he does not treat you OK, tell me, I'll help you out! "

The captain is also the captain with a chivalrous heart.

Qiao Lian laughed, and she asked, "Captain, I want to know something about Mo Wuxin and Zichuan. Do you know?"

The captain sighed, "Isn't the three of you the most familiar? I probably don't know what you want to know."

Qiao Lian looked at him, "Did we say that we would set up an e-sports club? Do you know much about this club?"

The captain continued to shake his head confusedly. "At that time, Zichuan invited me to join the club. I refused. Once my parents definitely disagreed. Secondly, my own level. I know that it is far from reaching your level. As a professional player, I do n’t know much about you later. ”

Qiao Lian lowered his head in disappointment. "I see. Captain, do you know something about Mo Wuxin? For example, the situation in Mo Wuxin's home?"

The captain was surprised, "This, Mo Wuxin's parents died when he was fifteen, so he took his sister to run around in Beijing. When we played games together, he didn't go to school, but was at work. . All I know is that he has a younger sister who was at school at the time, and I don't know anything else. "

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