You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 897: Not her ... (16)

The whole portrait of Shen Zihao was drained of all his strength, standing in place, his eyes widened, and staring at the two people in front of him.

He felt his nervous heart was about to jump out!

He didn't say a word, carefully listening to the voice of the two men in front.

The steward said, "Ma'am, the master has noticed something! I don't know what happened, and the master suddenly began to doubt this."

Upon hearing this, Mei Feng frowned, "How did you do that? Did you show any bad feet?"

The steward immediately lowered his head. "No, I promise not, but the young master suddenly started to intervene in this matter. I think the young master has thought of the truth of the incident."

Mei Feng took a deep breath, and then said after half a ring: "This matter is not easy to handle. You can say hello to the parcel, it is really impossible, let him top it off, the people in his family, I will do well Take care. "

The steward nodded immediately.

Mei Feng frowned, and slowly spoke after half a ring. "This matter, in any case, can't let Zihao doubt me, do you know?"

The housekeeper nodded. "Yes."

Mei Feng then turned her head, "Okay, you go back."

The steward turned and left.

Mei Feng was thin and stood on the balcony for a while, then sighed deeply, turned and wanted to leave.

But then turned around, but suddenly saw the figure in front, was staring at her quietly!

Mei Feng was startled and screamed subconsciously: "Who?"

That fierce voice was totally different from talking to Shen Zihao in the past.

Shen Zihao froze.

Staring blankly at the man in front of him.

There was no light in the room, so the whole room was a little dark at the moment.

Only the cold moonlight came in, adding a bit of light to the room.

Shen Zihao took a step forward.

He looked at Mei Feng before slowly speaking, "It's me."

The moment Mei Feng heard his voice, the whole person suddenly changed, and she said in surprise and mistakenly: "Zi, Zihao?"

She widened her eyes and couldn't believe what she saw.

When Shen Zihao walked from the darkness to the moonlight, she found out that it was Shen Zihao.

But the night was too dark, and she couldn't see the expression on his face, thinking of what just happened ... She was holding her flute, "Zihao, why are you still awake so late? And how did you come here?"

Hopefully, she did not hear those conversations with the housekeeper just now.

However, things go against expectations.

Shen Zihao suddenly looked at her, "Aunt Mei, I just heard what you and the housekeeper said."

Mei Feng was stiff and stood in place.

She opened her mouth by mistake and wanted to say something, but didn't know how to explain it. She could only move forward anxiously and grabbed Shen Zihao's arm. "Zihao, you, listen to me explain." "

Shen Zihao just stood there and looked at her, "I also happen to be, and I really want to hear your explanation. Let's go to the study."


In the study.

Shen Zihao was sitting opposite Mei Feng, and his vision became hazy and blurred.

It seemed that all that happened tonight was a dream, which made him a little bit lost.

Shen Zihao thought about various possibilities of these 50,000 yuan, but never doubted that the 50,000 yuan was actually put by Mei Feng.

At this moment, he was really stuck.

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