You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 898: Not her ... (17)

When Xia Yehua took away Shen Liangchuan and went out of the house, he was only fifteen years old.

Is in the middle of a teenage rebellion.

Xia Yehua's departure made him suddenly lose his mother's love, and also made him extremely sensitive and flustered at that time.

He is insecure.

If my mother left the house that year and did not take away Shenliang River, he might not have done so.

At that time, she left with Shen Liangchuan without any warning, which would make him often ask himself in the middle of the night.

Is it because you didn't do well enough? Is it because he often angers his mother, so my mother and brother will not want him ...

He really wanted Cheng Huan's mother, and he needed a home.

Especially at the time ...

He was ignorant at a young age and went abroad to study.

In a strange country, I miss this home especially.

But when he dreamed of going home to feel the warmth of his family during the holidays, he was told of the bad news.

He still remembers that when his father called him and said that his mother was leaving with his brother, he asked his father, "What about me?"

In fact, he didn't know what this sentence meant, but that was how he asked it.

Then, at the most dazed stage of his life, Mei Feng appeared.

Shen Zihao always knew Mei Feng.

As the father's secretary, they have seen him long ago.

Mei Feng treats him well.

After her mother left the house, Mei Feng began to take care of their father and son.

Her reluctant eyes and warm eyes made their father and son feel happy.

Especially Mei Feng to herself.

She was actually eighteen or nine years older than him.

When she married her father, she was only about 35 years old.

Such a young man, he was his stepmother.

He saw her several times looking for a nanny who was familiar with him, asking about his eating habits.

It was Mei Feng that made him feel the warmth of the home again.

Moreover, for so many years.

Mei Feng has never done anything sorry for him. For eight years, it has been as good as that, and it is really good from the heart.

He is not a fool, of course, feels that Mei Feng is sincere to him.

Therefore, every time he faced his biological mother who had abandoned him, he could not help but stand by Mei Feng.

He trusts Mei Feng more than Xia Yehua!

But now ...

However, he found that Mei Feng even calculated his wife!

He definitely looked at Mei Feng and waited until he came back before he said, "Why do you do this?"

He needs a reasonable explanation!

No, it can be said that he didn't know any reason, and could let Mei Feng destroy his relationship with Xia Nuannuan.

When Mei Feng heard this, her eye circles suddenly turned red. She bit her lip, and then she spoke after half a ring: "Zihao, I'm sorry ..."

"Why? I only want one reason."

Mei Feng lowered her head, tears rolling down.

After a while, she took a deep breath. "Zihao, I don't think she deserves you."

In a word, Shen Zihao suddenly stopped!

He stared at Mei Feng stupidly. "Aunt Mei, I always thought that you would agree to this marriage ..."

Mei Feng looked up, "Yes, at first, I agreed. But after I saw her parents, I didn't agree! Because of their family, I can't give you any help! "

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