You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 899: Not her ... (18)

Shen Zihao looked at Mei Feng in doubt, "Why should I let their family help me?"

Mei Feng gritted her teeth. "Shen Liangchuan is about to be picked up by the master! How can you not worry?"

Shen Zihao was even more confused, "What are you anxious for?"

"Father, you are going to hand over the Shen family to Shen Liangchuan! Your dad is so anxious these days, this family should be your dad, and your dad will give it to you!"

After hearing this, Shen Zihao suddenly realized: "So, you don't think I can compete with Shen Liangchuan, and want to find me a Yue family with a background?"

Mei Feng nodded.

Shen Zihao clenched his fists, "I see, Aunt Mei."

Mei Feng thought he was no longer angry, lowered his head, and sighed deeply, "Zihao, I, I know my approach is wrong, but for you, for your future, I must do it ... warm His parents can't bring you anything, it will only become a burden on you! Shen Liangchuan is so strong, I'm really afraid you can't fight him ... In the end, there will be nothing. "

She reached out her hand and wiped her tears.

Then he looked up and looked at Shen Zihao, "Zihao ... I really do it for you."

She raised her head, thinking that she would face the understanding of Shen Zihao, but she did not expect that when she looked up, she faced Shen Zihao with a determined expression.

As soon as Mei Feng was stunned, she heard Shen Zihao slowly say, "Aunt Mei, although we are not mother and son, we are in sympathy with mother and son. I think there are some things I haven't talked to you about, you will understand me, but now, I I want to tell you what I think. "

At the bottom of Mei Feng's heart, suddenly a bad feeling was raised.

Immediately, she heard Shen Zihao say, "First of all, I'm a man. Shen Liangchuan didn't marry a family wife. Why should I rely on my wife to fight?"

As soon as this word came out, Mei Feng froze.

Shen Zihao continued to say, "Second, I never thought about what I was going to fight for! What I can do is just do myself well. I believe that Grandpa sees ability. Moreover, the entire Shen family is built by grandfathers. Come down. This family is theirs. Whoever he says he will give it to, why should I fight for it? "

Mei Feng paused again and hesitated to say, "Zihao, all the glory and wealth of this family, don't you want it? You ..."

Shen Zihao still stared at her, and then slowly said, "Aunt Mei, even if my brother accepted the Shen family, I am also a member of the Shen family, he would not drive me away. Isn't it? "

Mei Feng couldn't say a word.

She stared at Shen Zihao.

At this moment, she suddenly had a feeling.

The boy who has been led by himself has grown up.

She widened her eyes and saw Shen Zihao looking at her disappointed: "Finally, Aunt Mei, these are your thoughts, the thoughts you impose on me. Have you ever asked me before doing these things? idea?"

"Even if you don't agree, you can directly say that such a mean way to frame ..."

Shen Zihao frowned and did not continue.

He just stood up and looked at Mei Feng. "Aunt Mei, I'm sorry. I can't agree with you."

He stood up and went out. Mei Feng was anxious and asked directly, "Where are you going?"

"Wan Nuan is my wife. Where she is, I will be there. I'll look for her."

PS: Woohoo, today's eight more finished ~~! The next update, no accident, at noon tomorrow! My plot is a bit stuck, and I need to sort it out ~~ What, I have no more, no less! Thank you for your support ~~ vote monthly!

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