You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 917: The true face of Mei Feng! !! (6)

Mei Feng was a little impatient when she heard Dad's voice.

Moreover, the sound on the opposite side is a bit chaotic, mixed with noise, making people feel uncomfortable listening.

Mei Feng frowned. "What's wrong?"

Xia's voice came over, "Are you warm at home?"

"Not here."

"Oh, it ’s okay for her to be absent. Many people here are waiting in line to report her safety. I just called her on the phone and the signal was not good. All right with her mother so she doesn't have to worry! "

Mei Feng gave a cold cry, "I see."

Then he didn't wait for the other party to speak, and suddenly hangs up.

Mei Feng continued to watch TV, holding a toothpick, and eating the cut fruit on the coffee table, which was very pleasant.

I was eating, and suddenly I heard the sound of vehicles starting outside.

She didn't have to turn her head to know that Xia Nuannu was back.

She must be coming from Xia Yehua.

This woman really doesn't look at her!

There was a flash of disgust in Mei Feng's eyes, and she saw Xia Nuanuan walk into the room in a loss.

Mei Feng did not move.

Shen Zihao was away on a business trip, and she was too lazy to continue acting with her.


When Xia Nuannon entered the door, she saw Mei Feng watching TV.

She came to Mei Feng, "Aunt Mei ..."

Mei Feng raised her eyebrows and looked at her, pretending to be surprised: "Ah, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so pale?"

Xia Nuannon asked: "Mom, did my parents call home?"

In a word, Mei Feng's eyes quickly flashed a bit of yin, his fingers knocked twice on the coffee table, and then pretended not to understand, "No, what's wrong?"


Xia Nuannuo stayed.


Typhoons often landed in Hainan before, but not once, as severe as this time.

Parents lost the news, and she felt the whole heart panic.

How are your parents? Is it safe?

Thinking of this, Xia Nuannun sat down on the sofa in despair.

I just had some morning sickness, but at this moment it suddenly became severe.

She just felt a dullness on her chest, and the whole person stood up, ran to the bathroom, and vomited!

She didn't feel better until she felt that the acid water in her stomach was going to spit out.

But when she stood up, she was dizzy. She concentrated her efforts, but still couldn't see the situation in front of her.

Everything has become two.

She held the door and stood there for a long, long time before she felt relieved.

So he stepped forward and wanted to go forward.

She could see Mei Feng standing at the door, covering her nose.

She reached out to Mei Feng, "Aunt Mei, help me, help me ..."

But as soon as I started, it was dark, and then I knew nothing.

When Mei Feng saw her faint, she took a step forward subconsciously, but her hand stretched out, but at the next moment, she suddenly closed it back.

She just watched Xia Nuan Nuan fall to the ground so coldly, she shouted, "Little grandma passed out!"

When she saw the nanny rushing over, she pretended to be concerned, "Hurry up and get to the hospital!"

Waiting at the hospital, Mei Feng held the doctor's hand, "How about a warm child?"

Don't believe it, you can keep it!

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