You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 918: The true face of Mei Feng! !! (7)

The child was the most coquettish in the first three months, was stimulated again, and fainted and fell to the ground.

Mei Feng sneered.

Immediately, he heard the doctor say, "It should be fine, and we'll have to observe it more specifically."

Mei Feng frowned suddenly.

All right?

It's especially easy to have a pregnancy with miscarriage. Why is this woman's child so strong?

Mei Feng gasped her fist.


Shen Xiu came to the hospital from the company in a hurry. After seeing Mei Feng, he said: "What's going on? Why suddenly fainted? She was pregnant with Zihao's child! Although I don't like this daughter-in-law , Grandson still wants it! "

When Mei Feng heard this, her eyes flashed viciously again.


It turned out that Shen Xiu was also concerned about children.

But she was aborted so many times ...

Mei Feng lowered her eyes and smiled and said, "It's okay, the doctor said, it was just a moment of anxiety."

Shen Xiu was relieved. "Why is it anxious?"

Mei Feng raised an eyebrow. "This, I don't know."

After she said this, she looked at the hospital again.


In the ward, Xia Nuannu woke up slowly.

Looking at the white ceiling, she remembered what happened before she fainted.

She immediately took her cell phone and called her parents.

Just then, the ward door was opened and Shen Xiu and Mei Feng came in.

Xia Nuannan said anxiously: "Have my parents called?"

Mei Feng shook her head. "Not yet."

Xia Nuannui said, "Aunt Mei, Dad, what about my cell phone? I want to call them to see if they are safe."

When the words fell, I heard Shen Xiu's reprimand: "Can you stop! Do you know that you are pregnant with the flesh of our Shen family! If you are in a hurry and get angry, you will lose your child, our Shen family I don't want your daughter-in-law! "

Xia Nuannuan listened to this unreasonable words, and bit his lip, "Dad, I just want to call my parents and listen to them report peace ..."

When the words came down, Shen Xiu snorted coldly, "Two old people who are not dead, what is there to worry about? Typhoons are there every year, where is it so serious! You can raise your baby with peace of mind, better than anything!"

Undead ...

Xia Nuannuan felt only a stun in his heart, and an anger rushed into his heart.

She wanted to speak, but with a mouth, she felt dizzy again.

Thinking of the words of Shen Xiu's child, she was afraid to speak, took a deep breath, and tried to calm her breath.

There is no news from parents, she is anxious, but she should also pay attention to her body and her children.

But in the end, I still feel discouraged.

Her biological parents, who are not alive or dead, but Shen Xiu and Mei Feng didn't say to help her, and they were still talking here ...

Xia Nuannuo clenched his fists tightly.

When Shen Xiu said these words, he turned around and looked at Mei Feng, and then said, "You stay to take care of her. If you are fine, you will be discharged. I will go first."

Mei Feng nodded.

After Shen Xiu left, Xia Nuannu frowned.

Mei Feng sighed, "I heard that the typhoon was very severe, and I don't know if your parents, they are all right."

Although Xia Nuannu didn't speak, his eyes showed deep thoughts.

Mei Feng turned on the TV in the VIP ward and tuned the station to the news channel.

In the news, the news of Typhoon Hainan was being broadcast.

Collapsed houses on the street, trees uprooted by the wind ...

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