You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 937: The true face of Mei Feng! !! (26)

Four people went upstairs, always weird.

Shen Zihao bowed his head and followed behind Father Xia and Mother Xia.

He thought, after a while, he must ask Nuan Nuan, why should he treat him like this ...

He wants to hear her thoughts in person!

Arrived on the floor.

Looking at the familiar corridor where they had lived for a few days, Shen Zihao was a little hesitant.

When Xia Nuanyuan lived here, he still felt that the place was small and could not turn away.

But now when I think of it, I feel extra sad.

If he had known, if one day, he and Xia Nuannu would reach the point where they are today, he would certainly not feel that it is small and inconvenient.

He suddenly realized now that this small room would give him a sense of belonging.

His heart was suddenly stunned.

He wanted Xia Nuannu to come back, and wanted to return to his previous life with him.

He wanted to tell her that he didn't care what outsiders said, as long as she was willing to follow him, he would live with her.

He was cyanotic, but suddenly heard Dad Xia say, "Weird, why the door was locked from the inside."

With that said, Ms. Xia said for a moment, "What's the matter? Isn't your key wrong?"

"No, it's the key, I've been fine for a few days ..." I turned around harder and still didn't open the door.

He frowned, staring at Mother Xia and said, "What now?"

"Isn't Nuan Nuan at home? Call her up and open the door."

Dad Xia nodded and started knocking.

The door was snapped and the doorbell was pressed several times.

But the people in the room just didn't come to open the door.

The anxiety in Ms. Xia's heart became more and more serious. She suddenly pushed open Xia's father and knocked directly on the door: "Warm, warm, you open the door! Warm!

"Warm and warm, have you done something stupid? Warm and warm? Don't let it go! Warm and warm!"

The screams rang loudly in the corridor.

Shen Zihao and Liu Haiyang reacted violently, maybe something happened.

They were in a hurry.

Xia's mother's cry had already spread, and her heartbreaking sadness made people breathless.

Dad Xia also widened his eyes and stared unbelievably at the door.

He suddenly understood something, pushing mother Xia away, "You let it go!"

Then he kicked the door!


The big iron gate remained indifferent.

Both father Xia and mother Xia were in tears!

An uneasy thought suddenly spread in Shen Zihao's heart.

Let him suddenly understand something, he rushed over, exhausted all his strength, and kicked to the door!


The door was forcibly opened, and they broke in!

There was no Xia Nuannu in the small living room. Shen Zihao ignored it and rushed into the bedroom!

When I opened the door, I saw that the bed was neat and tidy, but there was a sound of water in the bathroom.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

He was taking a bath, not what he thought. Because he was taking a bath, he could not hear outside sounds.

As soon as he came out of this idea, he saw that Mother Xia was also worried, but she frowned sharply again: "This time, what bath do you take? And she has just given birth for three days and cannot take a bath ..."

In a word, let Shen Zihao's heart just loosen, mention it again!

He suddenly thought of something, and opened the bathroom door!

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