You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 938: The true face of Mei Feng! !! (27)

The moment the door was pushed open, several people outside the door were all shocked!


Throughout the room, there was a huge swath of red!

This red color made Shen Zihao think of the day they got married and returned to the room. The whole room was such a large red.

Xia Nuannun was wearing a white wedding dress, sat on the red bed, and looked at her with a smile.

At this moment, Xia Nuannu was lying in the bathtub in the sound of the flowing water.

A quiet smile appeared on her face.

She wore the white wedding dress when they got married ...

But at this moment, the wedding dress has been stained with blood.

Shen Zihao's eyes narrowed, he looked at the situation in front of him in disbelief, his brain was blank.

"Warm and warm!" Finally, it was the scream of Mother Xia, interrupting the weird silence in the room.

And then, it was Dad Xia's voice, "Hurry up, call an ambulance!"


In the hospital.

Shen Zihao stood outside the operating room.

He stared at the door of the operating room, unable to say a word.

He never thought that Xia Nuannu would commit suicide ...

He never imagined that a girl he once liked so much could look so pale.

He never knew that he could bleed so much blood alone.

At this moment, he felt only sadness.

Nuan Nuan, why would you rather commit suicide than confess to him?

Father Xia and Mother Xia were already too tired to cry.

Maybe, two people have drained their tears in this life today.

They were as if walking dead, staring at the operating room.

The look of the two old people made people feel sad.

When Xia Yehua and Li Yan came over, they saw this scene.

She was stunned.

Rushing in front of a few people, she looked at Shen Zihao, "What's going on? What's going on? Noun, she'll be fine, right?"

On the phone, I just said that Nuan Nuan committed suicide ...

But he didn't say what happened.

She'll be fine ...

But Shen Zihao suddenly thought that when she picked her up from the water, the cold temperature on her body.

Her soft, boneless body ...

She will be fine!

Shen Zihao suddenly covered his head and couldn't say a word!

Xia Yehua's tears rolled down.

She stared at the door of the operating room.

Suddenly, Xia's mother seemed to be unable to hold her back, and screamed:

"Warm, my son, you wake up!"

"Wake up, mother will never force you to marry again!"

"Wan Nuan, you don't want to marry, you talk! Parents won't force you!"

"Warm, as long as you can wake up, as long as you can live, we promise you everything!"

The stern voice made people sad.

Originally because of her crying and making a noise, the nurse who rushed over to block it, couldn't help red eyes after seeing Xia's mother.

White hair and black hair are nothing more.

Just then, the door of the operating room suddenly opened.

The doctor pushed Xia Nuannu's bed and came out.

Everyone stood up stunned and looked at the doctor.

Mother Xia and Father Xia were weak in hands and feet, trying hard to stand up, but after a few times, they were unsuccessful.

Only Xia Yehua was the calmest, and she asked directly, "Doctor, how is it?"

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