You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 939: The true face of Mei Feng! !! (28)

The doctor said: "In five minutes in the evening, I'm dead! Now, although my life has been temporarily saved, I won't wake up, it depends on the good fortune."


In the ward.

Xia Nuannu was lying there.

Shen Zihao stood in front of her bed as if she had lost her soul.

Father Xia and Mother Xia were so frightened that the two old men were guarding them there.

Xia Yehua returned to the home where Xia Nuannu lived and dealt with some issues. After all, almost killed someone. When Xia Nuannu was covered with blood, someone called the police.

She dealt with the police at home and finally came to the hospital.

She handed a letter to Shen Zihao: "This is for you."

Shen Zihao froze.

"Just on her desk, I saw it, so I brought it for you."

Shen Zihao lowered his head and took the letter.

The envelope read: Zihao personally.

The word Zihao made him feel sad.

He opened the envelope and pulled out the letter inside.

Then I saw the contents inside.


When you saw this letter, I probably was gone.

I know, I chose to go the hardest way and leave the pain to you, sorry.

But I really can't help it.

Mei Feng threatened me. If I didn't marry Liu Haiyang, then in the future, wherever I went, she would be human. I'm not afraid of being scolded, but I don't want my parents who have raised my life to be scolded along with me.

The horrors of cyber violence, you should understand.

So, sorry.

Liu Haiyang and I have always been innocent. Now you should believe me, right?

and also……

You used to say that when mother went out of the house to leave Shen's house, she was definitely a guilty conscience.

But now I feel that if I can leave innocently, I would like nothing at all.

Zihao, such a home, can you stay?

Zihao, for the sake of our husband and wife, I beg you, take good care of my parents, and help me tell them that if there is a future life, the unfilial daughter Xia Nuannun will report on their nurturing grace.

This is my last wish.

Zihao, no more.


There were a lot of water stains on the envelope, apparently caused by crying as she wrote.

After seeing the letter, Shen Zihao wet his eyes.

It is said that the man does not cry easily, but he has not reached his sadness.

At this moment, he felt like his heart was going to be torn a little, and he couldn't breathe in pain.

This is warm ...

Even if he is forced to die, before he dies, he will be reconciled with Xia Yehua ...

Shen Zihao held the stationery in pain, covered his face, tears fell on the paper, and rolled down along the paper. Unlike mother Xia's heartbreaking cry, his crying, depression, and dullness, this is the first time since he was twenty years old, crying like a child.

Standing in the corner of the room, from the beginning of Xia Nuannuan's accident, Liu Haiyang, who was stunned by the whole person, could not help crying at this moment

He seemed to finally understand something. He banged and fell to the ground, "Warm and warm, I'm sorry for you!"

His tears also fell.

He choked and said, "Uncle, aunt, I'm sorry for you!"

He jerked his head sharply, his forehead suddenly became bruised:

"I and Nuan Nuan are not together! This is a trap I designed with Mei Feng!"

PS: At the time of writing, I abused myself so much that I couldn't cry ... But the abuse finally passed, and Mei Feng's true face was finally revealed. For the Lantern Festival, I'm sorry to write the worst point of the full text. I wish you all happiness.

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