You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 962: Shen Yingdi is here! (7)

Cheng Sizhe hung up.

After a while, a strange number was called.

Qiao Lian answered, "Hey, hello."

"Hello, Miss Joe, I'm looking for you. I want to ask you something."

Qiao Lianning eyebrows, "What?"

"That's it. Have you heard of the PC team?"

Qiao Lian stunned, "Have heard it."

PC team, a team that has been particularly popular in recent years.

Although she has not played games in recent years, she is still very concerned about the game.

Moreover ...

The CQ team has entered the national finals, and she always needs to know about the strong teams once.

The PC team can be said to be an invincible team that has won several national championships in a row.

When it comes to the PC team, no one knows, no one knows a name: Prince Edward.

In the past few days, the prince has hit the national record for personal results!

Throughout the gaming world, no one knows Prince Edward.

It's like Zichuan of the year.

Even more, he is more famous than Zichuan.

Because, he participated in the national competition, and now he is inclined to build a star.

He has long been listed as the current Lot esports star player!

But, this senior, ask her to ask what these are doing?

Hearing this high-level spoke, "Yes, the PC team has invited you."


Qiao Lian stunned, "Ah?"

"Their captain Prince has watched your live broadcast and found that you have a very keen talent for the game, and also have your own unique insights, so their team wants to invite you, let you join their team, become The coach of their team. "

Qiao Lian: ...! !!

So, is she now a Maxima fancy by Bole?

Although it is very happy to be found as a Maxima, but ...

Qiao Lian said directly: "I'm sorry, sir. I'm not interested in playing professional games."

She is already the coach of the CQ team.

How can I join the PC team now?

If the corpse leader knows, it is estimated to be furious.

Moreover ...

She can't take CQ to the world now, so she can't be the coach of their competitors.

The platform executive heard this and was in a hurry. "Miss Qiao, think again. The so-called coach is just that you have time to guide. We can talk about the treatment."

Qiao Lian laughed, "I'm really not interested, thank you."

She was resolute, and there was no room for manoeuvre, which led to the other side's high-level sigh. "Well, I'll call you later."

Qiao Lian: ...

Hanging up the phone, Qiao Lian sighed.

The game continued to broadcast live at night.

No words overnight.

The next day, when she got up, she saw a few more missed calls in her cell phone.

Most of them came late at night.

It made her feel a little strange.

I thought it was a local number in Suzhou, so Qiao Lian picked it up and tried to call the other party.

Still thinking, is it a friend who used to be in Suzhou?

But I didn't expect that the phone rang for a long time and was finally answered. Then there was a blurry voice across the side, like the sound of just waking up, "Hey?"

Qiao Lian coughed, "Excuse me?"



As Qiao Lian's eyes narrowed, she heard the Prince's voice across the phone. "Can we meet and talk?"

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