You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 963: Shen Yingdi is here! (8)


Qiao Lian couldn't help laughing, "I don't know what you're looking for?"

The Prince's tone was very proud, "You don't want to see each other like this?"

Qiao Lian said politely, "We don't know each other."

"You should have heard my name."

Qiao Lian: ...

"So you know me, and I happened to know you just yesterday."

Qiao Lian: ...

"Where do you live? If you don't want to come out, I can go downstairs to find you."

Seeing the other side's unwillingness, Qiao Lian couldn't help saying, "Prince, I don't think it's necessary. I know you're coming to me, why, but I can't agree."

"Why? Are you unhappy to coach me?"

Qiao Lian: ...! !!

She understands!

The prince is always proud.

She refused to coach their team, so the prince would definitely quit and this would come to haunt her.

Qiao Lian took a deep breath before she said, "It's because I don't have that ability, it's not that I don't like it."

"I don't mind, what do you mind?"

Qiao Lian thinks, why can't I communicate with this prince?

She coughed. "So, do you have anything else?"

Prince: "Either, you and me solo, we are 1V1!"

Qiao Lian: "What then?"

"Then, if you lose, come and coach me."

Qiao Lian: ...! !!

She has a hand injured female live broadcast, why should she play against a professional player?

Isn't this looking for abuse?

Qiao Lian couldn't help it, "Prince, if there is nothing else, then I will hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Lian got up as usual, went out to buy breakfast according to his own living habits, and then went back to the grocery market to buy food and cook at noon.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the live broadcast began!


Meanwhile, in the hotel.

Shen Liangchuan was standing on the balcony, and Song Cheng was reporting behind him, "I have also asked about the old house of Qiao's house, saying that I haven't seen Ms. Qiao, the graveyard, because there were too many people in the past, The security guard can't remember clearly, but it seems that she hasn't seen Miss Qiao ... "

Song Cheng said with disappointment, "Isn't Miss Qiao in Suzhou?"

"This is impossible."

Shen Liangchuan slowly said.

She still has the innocence of her parents to check, and it is impossible to leave Suzhou.

Song Cheng immediately lowered his head. "Then I'll find someone to check."

Shen Liangchuan nodded.

After Song Cheng left, Shen Liangchuan sighed.

Where are you, Xiao Qiao?

Thinking of this, he frowned.

Song Cheng left Shen Liangchuan's room, took the elevator, and went downstairs.

In the elevator, someone is holding a mobile phone and watching the live broadcast.

Song Cheng sighed and didn't know where Miss Qiao was. Why did she leave like this?

Thinking about this, I suddenly felt that the sound in the mobile phone next to me was very familiar!

He turned his head sharply and looked at the person next to him. "What are you looking at?"

"Lianchuan's game live!"

Love River?

Love River! !!

No wonder this voice is so familiar, isn't this sister Qiao?

Song Cheng was agitated!

This is really nothing to break through the iron shoes, no effort is required!

Thinking of this, he almost jumped up.

The elevator reached downstairs, he did not go down, but returned to the room of Shen Liangchuan again.

As soon as he opened the door, he shouted in excitement: "Shen Yingdi, sister Qiao!"

PS: Eight more finishes ~~ I saw some people say that there are not as many updates as before ... Actually, it has always been eight more! Just separated!

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