You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 967: Come to PK! (2)

Qiao Liandian opened the game, added the friend interface, and she saw the Prince's application.

Qiao Lian frowned.

Then I agreed.

As soon as I agreed, I saw the prince inviting her.

Now it's live broadcast time, she promised the fans to come live together.

And she found that after just that trouble, she had at least 200,000 people angry!

Everyone is waiting to see her and the Prince's PK, so now there is no way out!

Qiao Lian gritted his teeth and agreed.

The prince used Zhou Yu.

Qiao Lian frowned.

Since promised to talk to people, then we must show our greatest sincerity.

She should not be perfunctory, besides winning the prince, it is estimated that the prince will not have so many follow-up events.

So Qiao Lian thought about it and ordered Xiao Qiao.

The prince teased her directly in the chat window in the game interface:

[Prince Edward: Zhou Yu is Xiao Qiao's husband. Do you think Xiao Qiao has played Zhou Yu? 】

Qiao Lian: ...

Qiao Lian didn't have to type, and said directly: "I can't beat it. I've only tried it before I know, let's get started!"

Games start!

The 1v1 interface is just a channel. Qiao Lian bought the equipment and stepped forward.

Directly on the pole!

Prince Zhou's Zhou Yu is not the same as Zichuan's.

Zhou Yu of Zichuan rushed forward habitually.

Of course, it is also because of his invincible operation.

The prince's Zhou Yu was particularly insidious.

Xiao Qiao dizzy, the other shifted away and immediately ran back.

Qiao Lian thought he really wanted to run, took a step forward, and wanted to pursue.

But I didn't expect Zhou Yu at this moment, one turned around, dizzy! Keep her in place.

Qiao Lian: ...

be cheated!

As soon as this idea came out, she watched her blood strips, directly from full blood to residual blood!

When the dizziness was over, she quickly backed away, avoiding Zhou Yu's last blow, and escaped with the blood.

The Prince's compliment immediately appeared on the screen:

[Prince: Hand speed and response are fast! Few people can escape under this one-on-one move. 】

Fans also said that what happened just now is just too fast!

In just one second, the two of them even made several big moves!

Qiao Lian frowned and began to fight seriously.

The Prince's operation is precise and meticulous, and it is indeed the first among professional players!

Playing with him turned out to give Qiao Lian a faint sense of excitement in every match of chess!

The hot blood cells in the body are all mobilized.

This prince is indeed a master who is tied with Zichuan.

Until the end, two people were fighting hard!

Qiao Lianqi had a trick and was ruthlessly beheaded by the Prince!

Joe lost!

But the convincing loser is taken orally!

The prince is indeed the best in the country. I am afraid that only this year's Zichuan can compare with him.

Qiao Lian's eyes lit up.

For a while, the princes of the princes were not so disgusted because of his subtle operations.

The Prince wrote a message on the live interface:

——If you lose, can you agree to coach me?

Promise him?

How could he promise him?

Qiao Lian struck a sly smile in his eyes, and then spoke after half a ring: "I just promised to PK with you, but didn't promise anything else. Besides, I can't even fight you. What qualifications do I have to be your coach? "

Prince: ...! !!

How can this woman be so cunning!

I just planned to continue typing and say something, but suddenly I found out that someone in the game created a room and wanted to solo with him!

I saw the other person's name ... Zichuan? !!

PS: Shen Yingdi is going to avenge his wife ~~ Such a plot, sweet or not? ? See you at eleven in the evening!

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