You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 968: Come PK! (3)

Qiao Lian played a game with the Prince, although he lost.

However, she did not lose badly!

On the contrary, her operation, even the prince, must go all out, and even once or twice, he was distracted and almost killed by her!

Therefore, although Qiao Love lost the game, the prince became more and more determined to let her be the coach.

Because there are not many players who can enter the Prince's Eye!

This can also be regarded as a pity.


As soon as he wanted to say something, Zichuan's challenge came.

Zichuan ...

After seeing that name, his eyes narrowed.

This is that, eight years ago, Zichuan was very famous in the game industry?

Recently, he has almost no one in the industry, so some people say that if there is such a person who can compete with him, then that person must be Zichuan.

Unfortunately, Zichuan had already withdrawn from the game industry eight years ago.

He has also been very regretful that he has not been able to play against Zichuan.

But now ...

This Zichuan, isn't it fake?

However, whether it was true or false, he had to agree before talking.

So, before it was too late to trouble Qiao Lian, he directly agreed.

After entering first, he started typing:

[Prince Edward: Are you the Zichuan eight years ago? 】

Unfortunately, the other party didn't speak, just clicked directly to start.

People on both sides chose Zhou Yu!

The prince held his breath and walked forward.

One face to face, he was about to test the opponent's Xu Shi, Zichuan stunned over!

The prince was taken aback and lost the opportunity, and he did not counsel.

Instead, he became more excited after realizing that the other party was Zichuan.

He was gearing up for a big fight.

You two come and go with me. In the end, the Prince's blood is slightly lower than Zichuan's. The Prince flashed out, backed away and hid under his own protection tower.

At this time, hard work is no longer a good policy.

Should be able to drive back Zichuan.

As soon as the Prince's thought came out, he saw that the other party was also a flash, appearing under his defense tower!

The Prince's eyes narrowed, and the two were almost killed at the same time!

Ko! !!

Two sounds appeared in the game:

Zichuan killed Prince Edward!

The prince killed Zichuan! !!

The prince is watching!

What is going on with this person?

Life change is simply impossible!

When playing games, the most taboo is to get on top.

This way of killing him and killing him ...

While waiting for the resurrection, the prince could not help saying:

[Prince: Brother, is it worth it? 】

Soon, Zichuan responded with only one word:

[Zichuan: Value. 】

Of course it is.

He came with him pk itself is not to win this game.

He knows himself.

The prince is a newcomer in recent years. He has played pro games for so many years and must be more proficient than him.

He came here just to fulfill his promise to Xiao Qiao.

In the game, whoever kills her once will kill him three times!

Just a week ago, Zhou Yu killed Xiao Qiao twice in a PK match, so their mission in this game is to get six heads.

And now, just the first one!

It's good technology.

A long battle erupted.

ten minutes later.

The prince looked at his 6: 6 grade and was speechless!

One tower didn't push, so two people are on the bar!

But I have to say that the fight was really unprecedented!

Who loses and who wins is still uncertain!

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