You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 969: Come to PK! (4)

The prince moved his wrist and felt that at this moment, the winning or losing of this game is not important anymore. What is important is that he can play happily.

He stared at the resurrection time and watched that he was resurrected. When he was about to play a game with Zichuan again, the screen of the mobile phone was dark!

Prince: ...! !!

The Prince was shocked.

Then I found out that my phone is out of power!

He almost fell off the phone, hurriedly tossed it aside, then picked up the other phone and logged in to his account.

Unfortunately, with such an interruption, he has withdrawn halfway.

The Prince hurriedly sent a message to Zichuan:

[Prince Edward: The phone just ran out of battery, come again! 】

After sending this message, he waited for Zichuan's reply.


After waiting for ten minutes, Zichuan did not reply to his message.

He had no choice but to continue to send him a message, and at this moment, found that Zichuan went down! line! It's up! !!

going offline?

How can I go offline?

He hasn't played enough! Stimulated his interest, but suddenly disappeared.

What is this Zichuan doing?


What are you doing?

The game of two people has reached an impasse.

The investigation is late, who will make mistakes first.

It didn't make sense to fight.

What's more ... six heads have already been obtained, so there is no need to continue to fight.

Therefore, Shen Liangchuan quit the game neatly, without seeing the prince's provocation at all, and did not even know that in a hotel in Suzhou, the prince was about to be tortured by him.

After logging out of the game, he continued to look at the live broadcast of Qiao Lian on the e-sports app.

The fans praised it.

After all, although she lost in the game just now, everyone's ability was obvious to her.

Shen Liangchuan stared at the screen, staring at the little Qiao she played in this game ...

Finally, he slowly raised his lips.

Xiao Qiao, I have helped you get revenge.


Shen Liangchuan was watching the live broadcast, and the door was pushed open again. Immediately, Song Cheng came in.

"Brother Shen ..."

Just after saying hello, Shen Liangchuan made a snoring gesture and continued to stare at the live broadcast software obsessively.

He didn't know how much he spent on the gift tonight.

In short, his name has been displayed on the live broadcast.

Qiao Lian both said: "... Thank you for thinking of spitting up, but it's enough! You have been making gifts tonight, thank you!

Shen Liangchuan looked down and sent a message:

[Siqiao: Why doesn't the anchor show his face? 】

He wanted to see Qiao Lian's current situation and her life.

But I didn't expect that to fall, Qiao Lian laughed in the game.

"Because I don't look good! And we are game anchors, there is no need to show up, do we? It is better to keep some dreams!"

I don't look good ...

Suddenly, Liangliang Chuan raised her lips and thought for a while that she had to go to forget the river. She tortured herself to look like that.

What happened in the past seems to be vivid, as if it happened yesterday.

He couldn't help falling into his memories.

I do n’t know how long it has been. Today ’s last game is over. Qiao Lian is in the live broadcast and says goodbye to everyone: “Okay, let ’s play here today. After all, it ’s been three hours. You ’re tired too. At night Go to bed early! Bye bye. "

Then, on the screen, the live broadcast ended.

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