You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 970: Come to PK! (5)

There was no more of her voice.

When she said the word bye, Shen Liangchuan's heart was suddenly empty, and then the whole hotel was quiet.

He stared at the phone and looked at the time staggered.

Unconsciously, three hours passed.

But to him, it seemed like only a few seconds passed ...

Shen Liangchuan looked at the mobile phone silently, and said to her in her heart, "Little Joe, good night."

When his emotions calmed down, he looked up and looked at Song Cheng. "What?"

Song Cheng hurriedly said, "Yes, there is a game, and I want to speak for you."

After this remark, Shen Liangchuan looked up.

Song Cheng hurriedly said, "I know that you have now shifted your focus to Shen's Enterprise, but because this game is quite special, it is a lot company, so I thought about it and asked you."

Other advertisements or something, he had already pushed them out.

After all, Shen Liangchuan rarely advertises.

But lot ... related to sister Qiao, he still decided to ask clearly.

Unexpectedly, when this remark fell, Shen Liangchuan sank slightly.

Lot games ...

At this time he was in love with Qiao.

If it was another game, he wouldn't even take a look at it, but if it was a lot ... in his heart, there was still a slight twist.

After a while, Shen Liangchuan said, "You know my habits, push it away."

Song Cheng nodded, "OK."

Guessing the result long ago, he did not show unexpected appearance himself.


On the other side, Qiao Lian was still wondering after the live broadcast at night.

Looking at the crown prince's appearance, what should be a young master, proud of Jiao Jiao, the most tolerable is the rejection of others, so it is so entangled with her.

She thought that after she lied about, the prince would entangle her, but why did she suddenly disappear like this, no more?

Qiao Lian thought of this, but could not help but shook his head and smiled.

Really, if she doesn't come to see her, what else is she thinking about?

She stood up, stretched her waist, moved her body, and then went into the bathroom and rinsed.

Finally, she stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself in the mirror.

Her complexion was very rosy. It seems that this time, it should be good nutrition.

Thinking of this, she lowered her head and put her hands on her belly again.

This child is so cute.

Except for having vomited once on the plane at that time, in recent time, there is no feeling of morning sickness.

Did not bring her any fatigue.

Is it because ... it also felt the mother's hard work, so did she settle down on her own?

Qiao Lian couldn't help but patted his belly before entering the bedroom.

At ten o'clock, go to bed on time.

She used to be a night owl and has been going to bed early and getting up since she was pregnant.

It was just that, before falling asleep, the ringtone of the cell phone rang.

Qiao Lian paused for a moment, picked up her phone, and put it in her ear to answer.

Just after answering, a voice came across, "Lianchuan, hello, I'm a member of our e-sports APP platform."

Joe loved a moment, "Oh, hello."

Is it to persuade the coach?

When I was thinking about it that way, I heard the other side say: "Yes, our platform has a cooperation with lot games. Now they want to make a promotional video, and if you want to find a few well-known people to speak for, With our platform, I want to ask you, are you interested in this endorsement? "

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