You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 997: Here comes the rival! (2)

Qiao Lian: ... how did she feel that Shen Liangchuan had guessed her thoughts, intentionally? !!

Qiao Lian twitched his lips. "What about today?"

The assistant said, "It is said that it will not be filmed today. First, go home to pack and pack up at 2 pm and go to Hengdian together."

Joe nodded in love.

She can't live broadcast for two days this day, but if she doesn't live broadcast for a long time, it won't work.

So I still have to go home and get my own live broadcast equipment.

Qiao Lian came home, took the computer, and then packed a few things, and then came to the crew.

It was half past one when she arrived.

I just saw several strangers standing there.

Qiao Lian looked over there in doubt, and then heard the staff explain: "This is all the anchors who are popular on each platform. Since they went to Hengdian, then they should simply shoot."

Qiao Lian was shocked.

She was still confused. When she signed the contract with the company, she said that there were two anchors on each platform to shoot promotional videos. Why she came by herself was the only one. Now she finally understands.

Feelings Because Shen Liangchuan has limited time, in the crew, they first arranged their plot.

The rest of the anchors also played a role in the game, but they did not have a long story line.

Qiao Lianjing stood beside, and saw a beautiful girl walked slightly proudly, "Hello, are you Lianchuan?"

Qiao Lian stared at her and nodded.

The girl held out her hand, "I am Shuixiang from Agarwood."


Qiao Lian was a little surprised.

Shui Chenxiang frowned when she saw her, "You haven't heard of me?"

She has certainly heard of it.

As a journalist, she is known by most platforms.

This agarwood scented all over the river two years ago.

However, she is not doing e-sports. Weibo fans have millions, which is very popular.

It is said that many crews are looking for her now and want to let her enter the showbiz and shoot TV series.

But how could this person greet himself?

And looking at her look, she clearly didn't like herself very much.

Whatever the reason, Qiao Lian immediately held out his hand, "Hello."

However, before the hand touched the water agarwood, the water agarwood took it back, and looked down at his nails, "I said, how could I suddenly come up with an unpopular little anchor, who filmed this promo The protagonist should be a good character, but this is not the case. "

Qiao Lian: ...

So, she came here to ridicule her?

Qiao Lian looked down.

Is this person really a newcomer?

She pretended to be simple and said: "Yeah, I also feel weird, but who the heroine is looking for is not something we can decide, it depends on the platform, right?"

What it means is that they are not like her e-sports platform!

Shui Chenxiang said for a moment, "You ... our platform is a popular female anchor, and it is always millions of people. Where is it like you, the best is not hundreds of thousands!"

Qiao Lian nodded, "Well, yes, our platform is obviously not as popular as yours, but why does the heroine choose our platform? Oh, I remember, because this is the endorsement of lot! Our platform is specially made Game!"

The e-sports live broadcast was originally unpopular. This Shuixiangxiang took the ordinary female anchor and the e-sports female anchor compared to the bully!

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