You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 998: Here comes the rival! (3)

Qiao Lian has never been a vegetarian. Even if it is cheaper in other populations, she will not let her take it.

So back at the moment, sarcastic anger, frowning directly, "You, a little newcomer, so sharp, tell you, don't be too proud!"

With that, she snorted coldly.

Shui Chenxiang's assistant hurried over. "Sister Chen Xiang, don't worry, you forgot the purpose of coming here today?"

As soon as this word came out, Shui Xiangxiang immediately remembered something, and pressed down the words before he spoke, and then looked around, "Mr. Jiang hasn't come yet?"

The assistant immediately shook his head.

Shui Chenxiang frowned, and she gave Qiao Lian a vicious look before she came to the side.

Two o'clock.

The staff came over and called everyone to get in the car.

Because I was going to Hengdian, I found a bus in the crew.

When Qiao Lian got on the bus, he saw that Shui Xiangxiang was abandoning and said, "If it was not for Mr. Jiang, I wouldn't make this car. Let our car follow the car. When we get to Hengdian, I don't want to make a bus. "

Her assistant hurriedly said, "OK."

Qiao Lian: ...

This agarwood is too loaded.

She got in the car and sat in a seat.

After a while, the car was almost full.

However, the car has been delayed.

Qiao Lian's eyebrows looked around in confusion.

I heard where the other anchors complained, "Who, such a big name, not yet come! Let a group of people in the car wait for him!"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhah do n’t you look at the staff, do n’t you have any temper? It means the people waiting are definitely coming.

A big deal?

Qiao Lian wondered, it would not be waiting for Shen Liangchuan.

How could Shenliangchuan take a bus with them!

She shook her head and turned to look out the window.

At half past two, a black luxury car was parked beside the bus.

The door opened and a yawning man came out of the car.

He was dressed in casual clothes, and the whole person couldn't wake up. His hair stood tall and arrogant. He stood there lazily, and saw the staff nodded and whispered to him, saying something.

The man nodded impatiently and got on the car.

After getting in the car, he asked, "Where?"

The staff member immediately pointed at Qiao Lian's position.

Joe fell in love.

I saw the man striding over and then ...

In front of her, beside Shui Xiangxiang, sat down.

Qiao Lian: ...

She thought, this man is here to find himself?

After all, she was just the staff member.

It seems that this guy is looking for water agarwood!

And Shui Xiangxiang was immediately excited, "Mr. Jiang, you are here!"

The man nodded and looked at Shui Xiangxiang, "Well, I didn't expect you to look pretty!"

Shui Xiangxiang was immediately excited, "Mr. Jiang, do you know me?"

"Yes, I also watched your live broadcast, did you forget? Bai gave you hundreds of thousands of dollars?"

Shui Xiangxiang immediately became more excited, "I didn't expect you to watch my live broadcast! What's your name in the live broadcast room?"

She thought quickly.

She knows some of her local fans, and has met each other in real life, never seen him!

As he was thinking, he heard the man say, "Prince."

Qiao Lian, who was sitting behind the two, was drinking water. When he heard this, he immediately squirted it out!

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