You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 999: Here comes the rival! (4)


Wouldn't it ... she thought?

Thinking about it, I saw Shui Xiangxiang stunned slightly, "Ah? Prince? Are you sure you gave me hundreds of thousands of rewards?"

The man nodded. "What did I lie to you?"

Shui Xiangxiang condenses her eyebrows. "But, my fans are ranked, without you!"

The Prince said, "How is it possible! I obviously was the number one on your fan list, but later, I was overtaken by a guy named Siqiao! I continue to give you a reward tonight ..."

Shui Xiangxiang smoked his lips and said, "Who is Si Qiao?"

Prince: ...

The Prince looked up in confusion, "Aren't you Lianchuan?"

Shui Chenxiang's complexion suddenly froze!

And everyone in the car couldn't help lowering his head and smirking!

Shui Chenxiang felt that he was really shameful and left home.

She immediately said, "I, I'm not, I'm Shui Xiangxiang ..."

"Who is Shuixiangxiang?" The prince was very reluctant to finish the sentence to the face, and stood up, "Who is Lianchuan?"

No one spoke in the carriage for a while.

Qiao Lian hurriedly lowered her head without saying a word.

"staff member!"

The staff immediately pointed behind him, "Prince, where is it!"

The Prince turned his head and saw a head above him, facing him in black.

Prince: ...

The prince wanted to walk over and Shui Xiangxiang said, "Mr. Jiang, she, she has someone over there. Only I have a place here. You can sit here."

The Prince Prince frowned, raising an eyebrow. "How could anyone be?"

Then she looked at Qiao Lian in a playful manner, "Lian Chuan, is there anyone beside you?"

Even if there is no one, you have to say someone!

She didn't want to be entangled by this prince!

Last time in the live broadcast room, the prince was so entangled in her, she has already seen the prince's grinding effort!

Qiao Lian looked up and smiled, "Someone."

The Prince immediately frowned, "Is anyone coming later than me?"

These words came down, and everyone responded.

The prince is here, but why can't we drive the car?

Are you still waiting for someone?

Just thinking of this, the Prince counted the number of people in the car, and then said, "No one, no one around you."

With that said, stand up and walk back.

Qiao Lian: "... someone really!"

Then he winked at the little assistant.

The little assistant suddenly understood, and stood up in a hurry. As soon as he was about to come over, he heard a voice coming, "Sorry, it's late."

As soon as the sound of the magnetic sinker fell, the whole compartment was shocked and broken!

Everyone brushed their heads and looked at the doorway, and saw that Shen Liangchuan got into the car in a hurry.

The tall body, standing there, seemed to block the sun in the whole compartment.

Then he walked over step by step.

He went directly to Qiao Lian, sat down, and then stared forward without squinting.

Public: ...! !!

Shui Xiangxiang is really envious of envy! Remorse is dead!

I knew that Shen Yingdi would get in the car. The prince would sit there and let him sit. Now, there is only one seat in the whole compartment.

"Well, everyone is full, the car is driving!"

The car moved, and the prince had no choice but to sit next to Agarwood.

Shui Chenxiang was about to tell him something, but the prince suddenly knelt on the seat and looked back, with a proud expression: "Lianchuan, wait, I will give you a reward in a moment, and think of that , Press it down! "

PS: Unconsciously, 999 chapters ~ one and a half months, I updated 550,000 words ~ so fast! ~ Ask for a monthly pass! !!

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