You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 110 You should give up traditional heroes and play the real

When Lu You finished speaking, [Natural Camellia], the adjustment monster, turned into a ring with the same star rating, wrapping the 1-star mole cricket. The dazzling passageway was instantly lit up, and a figure of a lying cat appeared.

Nature Beast: Hello!

After the bright light dissipated, what appeared in front of Lu You was a monster similar to a tiger. But the limbs are all made of trees.

His whole body was as green as a cabbage, and even his face had the unique, faint smile of a feline.

If you look at it from the front, it almost looks like you are suppressing a smile.


Accelerate Synchro Summon on my turn?

Zhao Na's expression was a little complicated. This was obviously her main stage, so why was it that Lu You was constantly unfolding it?

And this [Natural Beast]...

Her intuition told her that if she wanted the heroes to appear, she must first deal with this synchronized monster, which was even more threatening than the [Fountain of Divine Monument] in the previous round.

At the same time, she didn't know the effects of the other two [Natural] monsters.

Damn it, why does your intuition keep warning you?

Could it be that there are pitfalls everywhere?

Thinking of this, Zhao Na couldn't help but look at Lu You. He was wearing an ordinary coat and had a cheerful and sunny smile. He was even on par with her.

At first glance, he looks like an upright duelist.

It shouldn't be...

After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Na still drew the Dushanren card from her hand. She decided to trust her intuition and give up further development for the time being, and first defeat the [Natural Beast] in the combat stage.

"I activate the effect of [Phantom Hero - Dushanren] in my hand!"

"Discard 1 [Hero] monster from your hand, and Special Summon this card from your hand!"

"I throw away the [Elemental Hero-Shadow Mist Girl] in my hand!"

The next moment, a figure wearing a giant claw gauntlet appeared in front of Zhao Na. Under the pink armor, there seemed to be a twisted human shape, just like a fantasy hero.

Lu You was not surprised by the way Zhao Na unfolded it. Now it depends on what hero the other party wants to use Shadow Mist Girl to retrieve.

As for the hero’s terminal…

It should still be Sunrise Man or something like that, but I don’t know if the opponent has [Mask Change] in his hand.

If there was, he would be able to get rid of it smoothly before Youjinxia came out.

"Then activate the effect of [Phantom Hero - Dushanren] again!"

"When this card is successfully Special Summoned, you can select 1 [Phantom Hero] monster from your deck and place it face-up in the Magic Trap Zone as a Continuous Trap Card!"

"I choose [Phantom Hero - Incremental Man] in the deck!"

Lu You is quite familiar with the way heroes are deployed. The incremental person in the magic trap area can liberate a [hero] monster on the field and then special summon it.

And you can also pull another [Phantom Hero] from the deck onto the field.

I guess he will choose to special summon the android, right?

But it doesn’t matter, Yu-Gi-Oh’s admission ticket like hand pit is not your exclusive patent.

As long as the opponent can't get rid of his natural beast, there's only so much the hero can do...

"Then activate the effect of [Elemental Hero-Shadow Mist Girl] in the cemetery in a chain!"

"If this card is sent to the graveyard, add 1 [Hero] monster from the deck to your hand!"

"What I choose to add to my hand is..."

Zhao Na's duel disk made a small sound of automatic retrieval, and then she pulled out the card she needed and showed it with a smile.

"[Elemental Hero-Sincere Xinyuxia]!"

Got a winged Ultraman?

Lu You looked surprised. Zhao Na's choice was a bit beyond his expectation. She wanted to give up the expansion temporarily and planned to enter the battle stage first to destroy the [natural beasts] on the field.

This sincere Xinyu Xia can be discarded from the hand to increase the attack power of 1 [Hero] monster on the field by 2500 points.


Giving [Infinite Bubble] to Hu Ji proves that the other party does not understand the [Natural] axis.

Then why did you suddenly choose to deal with the natural beasts that hinder the hero's development first?

You can't just rely on beastly intuition, right?

Lu You suddenly smiled. It seemed that there was no weak person who could enter Tiannan Duel Academy.

But pure intuition is no match for his "bond"!

The next moment, the chain began to settle, Zhao Na retrieved the sincere Xin Yuxia into her hand, and conveniently placed the Increment Man in the magic trap area of ​​the duel plate.

She has both [Fusion] and [Mask Transformation] in her hand.

After the battle phase is over, it's time for Yujin Xia and Sunrise Xia to appear.

Thinking of this, Zhao Na clenched her fists, with an excited look on her face.

Sorry, this is the confidence that heroes bring me!

Junior've made a fool of yourself!

"Activate the effect of [Elemental Hero-Sincere Xinyuxia] in your hand!"

"Discard this card from your hand and select a [Hero] monster on the field as the target. That monster's attack power will increase by 2500 points until the end of the round!"

"I choose [Elemental Hero-Skyman] on the field!"

When Zhao Na showed the sincere New Yuxia, the mechanical wings behind Skyman glowed faintly, as if they had turned into real wings suspended in the air.

As long as it is successfully activated, Sky Man's attack power will increase, surpassing the [Natural Beast] in front of Lu You.

But can it really succeed?

Just when Zhao Na was about to enter the combat stage immediately after the effect was resolved, she heard Lu You suddenly activate the effect to start a chain.

That is not the effect of [Natural Beast], but of [Natural Sunflower].

"At this moment, chain the effect of [Nature Sunflower]!"

"When the effect of the opponent's effect monster is activated, release 1 monster with [Nature] in its name on your field and this card, and the activation is negated and destroyed!"

"I release this card and [Nature Stink Beast]!"

"Negative and destroy [Elemental Hero - Sincere New Universe Man]!"

Handed over the monster effect counter?

Zhao Na looked puzzled, and her intuition told her that Lu You had seen through her movements long ago, and he chose to negate the effect of Sincere New Universe Man without hesitation.

Then, the chain began to settle, and the two [Nature] monsters on Lu You's field twisted and disappeared.

At the same time, the wings behind Sky Man also exploded, returning to their original mechanical wings, releasing updrafts.

Zhao Na stared blankly at Sky Man who was beaten back to his original form.

She felt a huge pressure from Lu You...

As if she could only be a challenger.

But this feeling disappeared in an instant, and when she looked back, Lu You was still the younger brother with a sunny smile.

What's going on?

Did he hallucinate from staying up late?

Zhao Na shook her head vigorously, her eyes gradually became firm. Even if the effect of Sincere New Yuxia increasing the attack power was invalidated, it didn't matter. The hero's deployment would not stop there.

"Next, I activate the effect of [Phantom Hero-Increase Man]!"

"Liberate the [Elemental Hero-Sky Man] on the field, and special summon this card from the Magic Trap Zone!"

Then, the figure of Sky Man twisted and disappeared, and the Increment Man appeared on the field.

"When [Phantom Hero-Increase Man] is successfully special summoned in the Magic Trap Zone, you can special summon 1 [Phantom Hero] monster below 4 stars from the deck!"

"I choose to special summon [Phantom Hero-Bionic Man]!"

But at this moment, Zhao Na's eyes suddenly widened, and she saw Lu You suddenly flip a card in his hand and show it in front of her.

She was also quite familiar with that card, it was the versatile hand pit [Gray Flowing Beauty].

Sure enough, the hand pit best reflects the few interactive feelings of Yu-Gi-Oh.

At this critical moment...

The key development was interrupted, and the effect of increasing attack power was also invalidated. Zhao Na now saw Lu You's sunny smile again, but she only felt that his face was hateful.

She was already a little exhausted.

Zhao Na always felt that Lu You was consciously compressing her operating space.

Now all she could do was use [Fusion] and [Mask Change] in her hand, at least there were enough fusion materials.

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Na still wanted to perform a fusion summon.

As long as Sunrise is specially summoned, [Miracle Fusion] in the deck can be retrieved, and then the field can be spread.

Thinking of this, Zhao Na immediately drew the [Fusion] magic card in her hand and held it high above her head. Behind her, it seemed that dazzling sunlight really bloomed.

"I activate the magic card from my hand, [Fusion]!"

"Use [Elemental Hero - Liquid Man] in my hand and [Phantom Hero - Increment Man] on the field as fusion materials."

"Fusion Summon..."

"[Elemental Hero - Sunrise]!"

The action is very cool.

It would be even cooler if it was matched with the hero's summoning words.

But unfortunately...

Lu You smiled and shook his head, and the natural beast in front of him immediately took action, standing up from the prone state, and the furry face still maintained a half-smile.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Na suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

"At this moment, activate the effect of [Natural Beast]!"

"When the magic card is activated, send the top 2 cards of your deck to the graveyard. If this card is face-up on the field, the activation is invalid and destroyed!"

Natural Beast: Hello!

After the chain began to settle, Lu You drew 2 cards from the top of the deck and stuffed them into the graveyard, and the natural beast immediately let out a deafening roar.


The [Fusion] in Zhao Na's hand was shattered, and the effect was also invalidated.

Fusion summon... failed?

Zhao Na's face was pale. You know, fusion is the characteristic of heroes and also her most powerful means. Now that it is blocked by the natural beast, it is naturally very uncomfortable.

This, this monster must be laughing at me!

Seeing the expression of the natural beast, Zhao Na's face turned red with anger, and tears squeezed out of the corners of her eyes.

You know, in the Tiannan Duel Academy where there are many masters, she also relied on her intuition to defeat students who awakened the adaptability of the elves, but she has never been ridiculed by monsters!


This is just a trivial mistake. To block her fusion, Lu You has spent two cards...

Humph, even if the fusion fails, the hero can still transform!

Just wait for me!

"I, I will activate the quick-play magic card in my hand, [Masked Transformation]!"

"Select 1 [Hero] monster on the field as the target, confirm the attribute and send it to the graveyard, and special summon 1 [Masked Hero] with the same attribute from the Extra Deck!"

"I will send the dark attribute [Phantom Hero - Good Samaritan] on the field to the graveyard."

"Special Summon..."

"[Masked Hero - Dark Claw]!"

Seeing Zhao Na's emotions out of control, Lu You was a little helpless. The most important quality of a duelist is mentality. No matter how disadvantaged the situation is, you must keep smiling.

It seems that you are not a qualified duelist.

Natural Beast is also worried about you.

At least you should find out whether the monster effect has a turn limit?

"Sorry, I will activate the effect of [Natural Beast] again."

"Send the top 2 cards of the deck to the graveyard, and the activation of magic cards is invalid and destroyed!"

The masked hero that Zhao Na had high hopes for also fell before the stage.

The [Masked Change] in her hand shattered again, just like the [Fusion] just now.

What a lie, right?

The effect of the natural beast is not limited to once per turn?

Doesn't that mean that before solving this monster, she can't summon the hero's terminal monster at all?

Zhao Na's expression froze instantly, as if she had suffered a huge blow.

I thought the improved hero would be able to kill all sides, but who knew that the first game would be unsuccessful.

I...what else can I do now?

Zhao Na subconsciously looked at her hand.

The deployment was interrupted by the hand pit, 2 magic cards were invalidated and destroyed, and there was still a woolen trousers left in the hand...

Isn't this the end of all strategies?

Of course, the hero also has a link monster. She can use the two monsters on the field to link summon. This summoning method cannot be defeated by the natural beast.

But the key is that she doesn't have an extra one!

She spent all her money to buy these masked heroes, and she had no money left to buy special heroes.

She had already got a monster with strong enough suppression power, but she couldn't even summon it...

What made her even more unacceptable was that Lu You still looked calm and didn't try his best at all.

When did the freshmen become so outrageous?

Zhao Na wanted to cry but had no tears. She knew that there would be no change if she continued to fight. You have to know that the characteristics of Lu You's [Divine Monument] axis have not yet been revealed.

Who knows what effect that [Divine Monument Fountain] will have.

"I lose, this duel can be stopped..."

After all, it was a training match, just testing the improved deck, and the duel could be ended at any time.

However, Zhao Na was still very depressed. In this duel, she saw the limitations of the hero.

But there was no solution.

At this moment, Zheng Qiao, who was watching the game, saw the end of the training match, and his face gradually became solemn. The sophomore student of the college was completely controlled by Lu You.

It seemed that after not seeing him for a while, Lu You's level had improved a lot again.

And the amazing construction ability...

It seems that this year's Tiannan Duel Academy will become more cruel.

After the duel was announced to be over, the stereoscopic projection was turned off, and the natural beast in front of Lu You gradually faded and finally disappeared.

He was quite satisfied with the current natural monument construction.

Of course, he did not play the full strength of the self-monument. The endurance of the [Nature] axis is very strong. If the opponent does not have enough counters, it will show enough suppression.

However, the extra deck needs to be enriched. Anyway, after robbing the rare card hunter, his resources are enough to supplement the extra deck.

At least as a general-purpose [Coral Dragon] and [Three Blade Master], you need one.

Just when Lu You was thinking about completing the construction of the self-monument, Zhao Na came over and stretched out her hand to him.

"Are you a freshman this year? My name is Zhao Na, and I am a sophomore."

"It's a very beautiful duel. I, I am no match at all..."

Zhao Na had regrets on her face. At the same time, she also experienced Lu You's construction ability and hoped to have a chance to listen to his opinions. She was very confused about the hero's next path.

"I'm Lu You, I should be considered a freshman. I have only signed a contract and have not yet enrolled."

"Hehe, Junior Lu You, I see that there are two axes in your deck at the same time, and they are not in conflict when running. The construction ability should be above A level, right?"

Zhao Na rubbed her hands and showed an expectant smile on her face.

"Then can I entrust you to improve the hero deck? I really don't have any idea."

"Of course, I will definitely pay!"

Faced with Zhao Na's request, Lu You had no reason to refuse.

But to be honest, he didn't know much about hero construction. If he just wanted to feel happy in the duel...

"Senior sister, you are joking. I don't have a direction for improvement for the time being, but I can give you a suggestion..."

"What suggestion?"

Zhao Na widened her eyes and subconsciously grabbed the mask around her waist.

Lu You couldn't help but smile heartily, and said in an emphatic tone:

"I think you should give up traditional heroes and play the real "Yin Xiong"!"

"Yin, Yin Xiong?"

Zhao Na frowned, Lu You's words were beyond her understanding, and also gave her a very important inspiration.

"That's right! There is nothing that Red Pit can't solve. If there is, then add a few more!"

Hearing Lu You's excited voice, Zhao Na suddenly became enlightened, and even her vision became much wider.

When the thought of Red Pit came up, she felt that the world was wide!

She understood!


Looking at Zhao Na's excited back, Lu You finally showed a gratified expression. Just now, he made another poor duelist successfully enjoy happiness in Yu-Gi-Oh.

This may also be the guidance of "bond".

At this time, Zheng Qiao hurried over, and the scene of Lu You teaching Zhao Na just now was completely seen by him.

"Lu You, you... uh."

"I think everyone's dueling style should be more diverse, and this is related to each person's personality, and it cannot be forced."

Zheng Qiao carefully considered his words and said it as tactfully as possible.

Years of experience in vocational education told him that if Lu You's behavior was not stopped as soon as possible, it would not take long for the dueling style of the entire Tiannan Duel Academy to become unified.

You cover five cards, I cover five cards, and no one can move.

Lu You naturally understood what Zheng Qiao meant and comforted him with a smile:

"Teacher Zheng, don't worry, even if it's a heavy deck, not everyone can use it."

After hearing Lu You's words, Zheng Qiao felt relieved and took out a student card from his pocket.

"As long as you understand."

"This is Tiannan's student ID card. Although you have not officially enrolled yet, you are already a member of Tiannan. With this card, you can use all the facilities of the college."

"Of course you can also redeem internally stored cards, but some cherished cards require credits."

Putting aside the use of facilities, Lu You firmly chose Tiannan just for the elves.

"Then the cards containing elves can also be redeemed, right?"

A card containing elves?

Zheng Qiao wiped cold sweat nervously. He could vaguely guess Lu You's purpose in choosing Tiannan Duel Academy, so he nodded repeatedly:

"Of course, but elves are the top priority of every academy, the requirements are higher, and the approval of elves is also required."

After confirming this, Lu You smiled. Higher demands were nothing to him. As for the elf's recognition...

"Bond" will help him settle it.

Even other people's elves can connect, let alone ownerless ones.

However, he happened to take the opportunity to visit Tiannan's card storage room and redeem some cards.

It's just that he doesn't have enough funds at the moment, and the credits...

When Zheng Qiao saw Lu You frowning, he roughly understood what he was thinking, and immediately said with a smile:

"After you sign the highest-amount contract, some credits will come with your student ID card, which should be enough for you for the time being."

At the same time, Yang Chentian also walked over, and the cell phone he was holding was still on a call.

"The headquarters just contacted me. The [Fallen Angel] deck you obtained is of high value. The club is willing to purchase it at a price higher than the market price, as long as you agree."

Lu You didn't have any objections, as he just needed some funds to strengthen his deck.

He took out the [Fallen Angel] card set from the card box on his back, checked it casually, and was about to hand it to Yang Chentian.

After the card gambling duel ended, he hadn't had time to check, but there shouldn't be any need...

Suddenly, Lu You widened his eyes and stared at one of the quick attack magic cards.

This is……

[A forbidden drop]?

This universal card will actually be in the hands of a rare card hunter!

Lu You took out [Forbidden Drop] alone. This card can send any number of cards in his hand or on the field to the graveyard.

The attack power of that number of effect monsters on the opponent's field is halved, and their effects are negated.

And depending on the type of your tomb card, the opponent cannot use the corresponding type of card to chain [Forbidden Drop].

Fortunately, I checked carefully, otherwise this card would have been acquired by the headquarters.

"I'll just keep this card. It should be useful for future commissions."

Yang Chentian: "..."

He saw nothing.

After obtaining enough funds, Lu You followed Zheng Qiao to the place where Tiannan exchanged cards. Bai Nan also followed a few people. She also wanted to see Lu You's construction ability again.

Soon, everyone came to the exchange office, which was built like a museum.

A large number of cards are stored in transparent card tiles and displayed for students to redeem.

On the first floor of the exchange office, Lu You took a glance and saw several general cards, but they were not suitable for natural monuments.

And his target is the rare card on the second floor, precious credits cannot be wasted here.

Entering the second floor through the central staircase, there are obviously many fewer students here, and all cards are divided according to the types of magic, traps and monsters.

Lu You was thinking about exchanging and strengthening additional monsters.

But his eyes couldn't help but glance towards the trap area. The red area was really tempting.

At this moment, Lu You's eyes suddenly focused on a trap card. He was familiar with that card, and it seemed to be a component of Silver City.

It's actually...

[Transaction rollback]?

You can obtain the effect of a normal trap in the opponent's graveyard by paying half of your life points. In other words, by excluding this card from the graveyard, you can also obtain the effect of the normal trap in your own graveyard.

As a red pit deck, Silver City is indeed quite suitable to bring this card.

Wait, since Tiannan has such a rich collection, then...

[Transaction rollback] Copy [Jie Zie victory or defeat] to clear the field.

How could he have such a dream?

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