You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 115 Yu-Gi-Oh is a game that you can win as long as you pay enough

How long can a duel last?

In Lu You's previous life, quick victory was the quickest way to get rid of torture. When he was sure that there was no possibility of a comeback, or that he could not get rid of the opponent's final game, he would give up and surrender.

But in this world, surrender is equivalent to humiliation. Even if you are at a disadvantage, you can only wait for one of the parties to have their health points cleared or a special victory.


Lu You couldn't help but have a sunny smile on his face. It seemed that he finally had the opportunity to try [The Countdown to the End] and the trick of destroying people.

In fact, the effect of the magic card [Countdown to the End] is a special victory.

After paying 2000 life points and activating this card for 20 turns, you will win the duel.

This is a very long process with countless surprises.

No one can guarantee that they can survive 20 rounds safely and successfully win a special victory.

But you can mess with people.

As long as you activate the [Final Countdown] in front of the over-summoned traitor cook, you can abandon all operations, empty your mind, and wait for the moment of victory.

At that time, the pressure will come to the other party.

When the opponent tries all means and finds that he can't get rid of the bad guy, he can only endure the torture in silence for 20 rounds without surrendering.

Thinking of this, Lu You was quite satisfied with the reward prepared by Eucommia ulmoides.

In addition to the two super monsters, there is also a normal trap card, [Bewitch and Trap].

This card can remove a normal trap card from the deck, and then select a card with the same name from the deck to be set on the field. It can also be activated during the turn it is set.

The traps in the deck can be directly retrieved, and the effect is quite powerful.

However, [Bewitch and Trap] is also restricted after being activated. Until the end of the round, you can only activate 1 trap card.

The card picture shows two cute bug girls, which are also more suitable for red pit decks.

But if you want to play Bug Demon, he not only lacks a large number of family cards, but also needs more [holes] and [falling holes].

After confirming the remuneration, Lu You signed the contract to end the entrustment under the guidance of Yang Chentian.

The headquarters is very concerned about the results of this commission, which will inevitably affect the relationship between Chenxing and Cosmic Light in the future. Yang Chentian will go to the headquarters in person to report the process.

"Mr. Lu You, this is my business card. I hope there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future."

After Lu You defeated Ke Kui, Du Zhong led his team to get back all the embezzled funds. The company's management changed drastically and returned to the control of the Du family.

As for Ke Kui...

Without the blessing of Cosmic Light and the King Battle deck, he was basically out of the dueling world.

I can no longer consider myself a professional duelist.

After Lu You completed the commission, he was sent home by the Du family's special car. Lu Siyan and Zhang Qiuhong had been waiting for a long time. The table was filled with his favorite meals, and the fireworks were also ready to go.


Countless colored papers fell from the sky and stuck to Lu Siyan's single ponytail.

"Brother, I saw the interview on the TV station, and you were the first to walk out of the examination room!"

“Haha, there’s also that ‘it’s very easy to fill it out next time’, it really made me laugh!”

"If the Ministry of Education really listens to your suggestion and greatly increases the difficulty of the college entrance examination, then the college entrance examination students next year and even in the future will be too pitiful..."

Halfway through, Lu Siyan was suddenly stunned. She suddenly realized that she was also one of those poor college entrance examination candidates.

This is embarrassing...

She doesn't have Lu You's strong construction ability. If the intensity of the college entrance examination soars, the standards for signing a training contract will probably increase.

Lu You's words directly put next year's college entrance examination students, or even the year after, on the fire.

Please, not everyone is a hard speedrun player like you!

Thinking of this, Lu Siyan suddenly felt that the food in her mouth no longer tasted good. She had already foreseen a busy life from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the future.

However, Zhang Qiuhong didn't think about it that much. She just told Lu You to perform normally in the theoretical examination.

After eating, Lu You once again improved the deck for Lu Siyan, and the small animals will also have great power.

"Brother, how do you win every battle? I'm curious!"

Hearing Lu Siyan's inquiry, Lu You smiled.

"It's actually very simple, as long as you pay enough, you can win."

Lu Siyan: "?"

Lu You then sat in front of the screen and put the newly harvested decks on the Chenxing exclusive website for sale.

This time the headquarters paid more attention to the intelligence of Cosmic Light and was not in a hurry to acquire Lu You's deck.

And Lu You also recalled the white light that disappeared from the sky...

"Hu Ji, can you break through the atmosphere alone?"

Lu You is very curious about the source of the light of the universe. Is it really the light of destruction coming from the depths of the universe?

Hu Ji: "?"

Do you think I can break through the atmosphere alone?

She found that Lu You's demands were getting more and more weird. Before breaking the world barrier, she could not leave Lu You too far away, nor could she interfere with reality.

I really don’t know when the initial integration will be achieved.

Hu Ji sighed. During the time she was fighting side by side with Lu You, she had become a little nervous and even lost the right to control her expression.

Lu You even made her make some strange expressions.

Huh, I can't bear it anymore!

It broke out with Lu You!

"What? Do you want to duel me again to get back the right to manage expressions?"

Seeing Hu Ji's firm eyes, Lu You shook his head and rejected the other party's proposal.

It's not that he will run away after winning, but he has other things to do now, the most important of which is the auction duel in the near future.

That is related to the right to use [Flower Baroness].

It must be prepared in advance.

It is best to build a deck that can maximize the power of "bonds", and it must ensure a one-hit victory and defeat the opponent in the fastest way.

Just when Lu You was about to think about the construction, several private messages appeared in the backend of the website. Some duelists were quite interested in the King Battle deck.

They even planned to bid.

Lu You directly changed to the auction mode and experienced the feeling of the auction in advance.

In the end, the King Battle deck was sold at a price higher than the market price, and Lu You also obtained a considerable amount of funds to build a new deck.

"Hu Ji, keep your sunny smile, now I want to rebuild the deck, and wait until the end, and then compete with you."

Hearing Lu You's instructions, Hu Ji was quite dissatisfied, but he couldn't refuse.

He had to keep a smile on his face, and cursed Lu You in his heart for running away after winning and not giving her a chance to turn the tables.

Time passed, and when the last theoretical subject was finished, all the students walked out of the examination room.

Some of them looked embarrassed, some regretted and cried, but most of them were relieved…

Since the result had been determined long ago, there was no point in being entangled.

And Lu You was also preparing to report to Tiannan Duel Academy in advance. It would take a lot of credits to exchange for elf cards, and he had to find a way to earn credits as soon as possible.

Back home.

When the excitement of the college entrance examination faded, Lu You's treatment at home was completely different from a few days ago.

"Brother, the food is in the refrigerator, remember to heat it up before eating."

Seeing Lu You coming back, Lu Siyan, who was simulating a duel, glanced at him, pouted her lips and pointed at the refrigerator, and said vaguely.

Lu You suddenly had a bitter smile on his face. It seemed that no matter which world he was in, the difference in treatment before and after the college entrance examination had not changed.

Coming to his room, Lu You continued to purchase cards on the website.

Every time after a large-scale event, the exclusive website would update a batch of new cards. Basically, the duelists would sell the extra cards to recover their blood after improving the deck.

Lu You's target was the cards of the [Bamboo Light] series.

At the same time, he also saw some interesting cards, such as [Super Demon God-I] and [Mechanical Puppet-Nightmare]...

These two monsters can only play their greatest effect when they exist on the opponent's field.

This is also commonly known as the defense.

[Super Demon God-I] can block monster summons, reverse summons, and special summons, directly restricting all summoning forms.

And [Mechanical Puppet-Nightmare] is a field block.

In the turn when the special summon is successful, monsters other than [Mechanical Puppet] cannot be special summoned.

It can be said to be quite cruel.

Even Lu You, who is good at bringing happiness to the opponent, did not choose to buy these two cards. Besides, he did not use the brand, and it would take a lot of effort to send it over.

If he had that time, he would have won long ago, and it was not worth it.

In addition, Lu You also acquired a batch of card draw cards, as well as the Silver City's home trap [Labyrinth Labyrinth Welcome Welcome Welcome].

He is one step closer to completing the Silver City deck.

Afterwards, Lu You helped Lu Siyan buy some reinforcement cards for small animals. He wanted to use the Thunder Axis to strengthen them, but he still couldn't find the relevant purchase channels.

Wait, if he really used the Thunder Axis, wouldn't the small animals be optimized?

After a moment, Lu You stood up from the screen. He had basically purchased all the components he could find. He just needed to combine them into a construction.

As for the funds from selling the King War deck, he kept a part of it for emergency use.

And then...

"Hu Ji, are you ready to duel with me?"

"Let me make a deal first. If you lose again, I will take over the posture management rights."

After betraying his expression, do you still have to use the posture management rights as a bet?

Hu Ji was obviously a little hesitant.

However, after a psychological struggle, her eyes gradually became firm. After a period of observation, she had already figured out Lu You's duel style.

This time, she is definitely the winner!

Hu Ji clenched his fist, squinted at Lu You, slapped the table and said:

"Come on! Duel!"


But after just a few minutes, Hu Ji looked at the cards in his hand with tears in his eyes, his heart shattered into glass shards.

"Woo woo... Why is it like this again? I lost without doing anything..."

Lu You showed a satisfied smile, put away the cards on the table, and put them into the card box.

It turns out that in the duel with Hu Ji, his "bond" power can still be exerted.

There are no restrictions.

Sure enough, this is the power of tolerance and love...

"Very good, from now on, your posture management is also decided by me."

"Show a scissors hand, as for the expression... yes, it's the look of losing the duel unwillingly, and forcing a smile with tears in your eyes."

After in-depth teaching to Hu Ji, Lu You subconsciously looked at his hands. He was able to touch the elves for the time being, but it was still that weird jelly-like touch.

At the same time, Lu You's eyes swept every corner of the room.

Since the power of the "bond" increased, the decoration of the room has changed significantly. The shape of the energy-saving lamp on the ceiling has changed to a dragon-decorated lamp.

The clock has also changed to a crazy clock.

He even saw a cockroach in the corner...

No, it seems to be a real cockroach!

As his "bond" strengthens, he will have more and more wings, and this is just the beginning.

Thinking of this, Lu You placed the card box next to the duel plate, then turned over and lay on the bed, falling into a deep sleep.

Half a month later, Lu You came to Yang Chentian's office again.

Hong Qian sent a nomination request through the headquarters, and the duel at the auction house was about to begin. At the same time, she also sent relevant information to Lu You's mobile phone.

But Yang Chentian is still worried.

"Lu You, although the findings are unbelievable,...

"According to data, after you defeated Ke Kui, the rare card hunter organization became active again, frantically targeting people who have awakened the suitability of elves, trying to obtain cards containing elves."

"And judging from Ke Kui's description, the Cosmic Light Club and the Rare Card Hunter Organization are inextricably linked."

Recalling that he asked Liang Du to take Sun Yuan away before, Yang Chentian felt quite annoyed.

The two sides are basically on the same side!

Hong Qian's side was also attacked by hunters one after another. Chen Xianlong was so busy that he almost lost his own deck.

"This auction is also related to rare card hunters. You must be careful... don't go too far."

Just as Yang Chentian wanted to comfort Lu You, the conversation immediately changed. He had already seen the corners of Lu You's mouth rising.

After completing preparations, the two came downstairs, and it was still Yang Chentian who sent Lu You to the scene.

It seems like a masked auction...

Lu You read the detailed information carefully in the car, and then took out the Pachycephalosaurus helmet from his backpack. He originally wanted to replace it with the [Pot of Desire] helmet.

It's a pity that I didn't buy it...

To start an auction duel, you need to follow the price three times in a row, and then you can negotiate and resolve it through a duel.

Lu You is also looking forward to the auction items. If they are all hard goods like [Flower Baroness], then he can make some extra money this time.

In the afternoon, Lu You finally arrived in front of the museum, which was the auction venue.

Hong Qian has been waiting for a long time.

She was wearing a long black dress, revealing her round shoulders, making her look even more petite and exquisite.

At the same time, he wore a veil on his face, black gloves that went above the elbows, and carried a small bag. His elegance never goes out of style.

"Lu You, you finally..."

"Wait a minute, are you sure you want to wear this helmet into the auction?"

Hong Qian covered her mouth in astonishment and raised her finger on Lu You's Pachycephalosaurus helmet. The elegant side just now was gone, and she was still the duelist who once rode the D wheel.

"Isn't it a mask auction? This should be considered a mask, right?"

You can't ask for Zhao Na's Youjinxia mask, right?

Hong Qian: "..."

It's too late...

Hong Qian gritted her teeth, as if she had made some kind of determination, and led Lu You into the auction house. As soon as she entered the door, she attracted countless eyes.


Relax, the only goal is the Flower Baroness, the rest is not important at all!

Soon, Hong Qian and others came to the venue,

Other guests wearing butterfly masks had already taken their seats, and they also came to their seats, waiting for the auction to officially begin.

Hong Qian's eyes swept over the faces of the rows of guests, but she couldn't tell who was the rare card hunter for the time being.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the other party's target is also the Flower Baroness, then there will be a time when it will be exposed.

"Lu You, do you understand the rules?"

"I will follow the price three times and start a duel at the auction house. Then it will be up to you."

After getting Lu You's answer, Hong Qian took a deep breath and her eyes gradually became firm.

I thought she would be very nervous at the critical moment, but now she is surprisingly calm. She has worked hard for this moment for so many years, even becoming an undercover agent.

And now, there is only this last step left...


The hammering of the gavel sounded, announcing that the auction had officially begun!

I saw the host slowly walking onto the stage holding the first auction item. The item was covered with red cloth, but the outline of the brick could still be seen.

"Dear guests, everyone's time is very precious, let's go directly to the auction."

"The first auction item is..."


The host pulled off the red cloth. In the transparent card tile was Zhang Gaoxing's effect monster, and it was an earth attribute, rock type...

Lu You's eyes widened under his helmet. He didn't expect that the auction would be the highlight.

"[Brick Dragon]!"

“Please look at the screen for the starting price and start bidding now!”

Seeing the numbers on the screen, Lu You could indeed afford it with his remaining funds, but the final transaction price must have been many times this price.

You must know that [Building Dragon] was limited to one in the previous life, which is enough to prove the strength of this card.

This monster can be Special Summoned from your hand or graveyard by expelling 3 earth attribute monsters from your hand or graveyard.

And as long as Block Dragon is on the field, it can provide resistance to the rock-type monsters on your field.

Basically, it is a must-have card in the mining deck [Magic Rescue].

And just as Lu You expected, there were bids immediately after the bidding was announced.

Bidding sounds continued to ring out in the auction room.

In the end, [Jiujiang Dragon] was sold at a price that Lu You couldn't afford.

The first auction item is so exciting. I wonder when it will be the turn of [Flower Baroness]. Will it be the finale?

Just as Lu You was thinking, the second auction item was also put on the table, and the red cloth was unveiled again.

That's an 8-star synchro white monster.

"Dear guests, please take a look at the second auction item..."

"Synchronized monster, [White Douqi White Whale]!"

"The effect of this card is quite powerful. When the Synchro Summon is successful, it can destroy all monsters in attack position on the opponent's field."

"But please note that you need a water attribute monster to Synchro Summon. Please start bidding now!"

Is there actually a card for Bai Douqi?

Lu You was a little surprised. He turned to look at Hong Qian beside him and found that the other person still seemed not interested, as if the bidding sound around him had nothing to do with her.

As the auction continued, each card was sold at a very high price, with few cards failing to be auctioned.

During this period, Yang Chentian also made a bid, but was soon drowned out by other bidding calls.

And just as the auction was coming to an end, the card Hong Qian had been waiting for finally appeared.

"What we are going to bid on now is our final auction item!"

"It is also one of the most valuable cards in this auction and will definitely not disappoint our respected guests!"


When the red cloth was unveiled, Hong Qian's eyes suddenly widened. That was the card she had been dreaming about.

"10-star synchro monster [Flower Baroness]!"

"It can destroy 1 card on the field and negate the effects activated by magic, traps and monsters. It is a very powerful ending!"

"Now...start bidding!"

When the host finished speaking, Hong Qian suddenly raised the number plate in her hand, but it was still a step too late.

The buyer sitting in the first row took the lead in raising his number plate and then quoted a very high price.

Judging from the tone, it seems that the Flower Baroness is destined to win.

The entire auction house fell into silence. Most people did not prepare enough funds or spent all their budgets in previous auctions.

Therefore, no one continued to bid in a short period of time.

Hong Qian frowned deeply and stared at the buyer, already identifying him as a rare card hunter.

"If no one else bids..."

The gavel in the host's hand was ready to go, but at this moment, he saw a small hand with black gloves holding up the number plate.

"Oh! Ms. No. 63 follows the price!"

"Are there any other customers who want to bid? [Flower Baroness] is a very precious card!"

Seeing someone causing trouble, the seller turned his head and stared at Hong Qian with an unfriendly expression, and then raised his number plate again.

"Mr. No. 2 is following the price again. Is there anyone else?"

Not to be outdone, Hong Qian continued to hold up her number plate.

After repeating the same action three times, the host obviously hesitated. He really wanted the price to be higher, so he kept asking if anyone else could break the deadlock.

But if there are only these two people, they must follow the rules and ask whether to negotiate an auction duel.

"Ahem, two distinguished guests, do you need to resolve this issue through a duel?"

"If both parties agree, we can provide the venue."

Hong Qian nodded without hesitation. It was now time for Lu You to appear.

The buyer hesitated for a moment, turned to look at his companion, then slowly stood up and said in a hoarse voice:

"I agree to a duel."

There is indeed a chance that if you continue to bid, the other party will give up, but that will cost more money than the budget, which is not cost-effective at all.

Or the duel is more concise and clear.

Immediately afterwards, after the host asked for opinions, the platform under his feet gradually changed and became a simple duel stage.

The companion next to the buyer slowly walked towards the stage.

She was a tall woman with a graceful and slender waist, graceful steps, and long hair shawl, but her skin looked a little gray, not like a normal person's skin color.

There is also a veil on her face, but it is darker than Hong Qian's.

As if to block the sun.

Later, Lu You also wore a Pachycephalosaurus helmet and walked onto the simple duel stage. Everyone looked at him in astonishment along the way, as if he didn't expect that someone would come to the auction with a toy helmet.

Hong Qian couldn't care less about the embarrassment at this time, and lowered her voice and said to Lu You:

"Be sure to stay calm and don't be too aggressive. The opponent in this duel is a rare card hunter!"

Lu You nodded, straightened his helmet and walked onto the duel stage, standing opposite the woman.


The other party... seems to be an elf duelist too.

And the fusion state is maintained before the duel. Is there another way?

In other words, the other party has completely broken the world barrier, and the elves can interfere with reality?

With questions in his mind, Lu You opened the duel disk and subconsciously made a gesture of drawing cards.

When the prompt sounded, he immediately said to the other party in unison:


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