You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 129 I am sorry that I could not satisfy Lady Flower Baroness.


When Lu You finished speaking, the Black Rose Dragon immediately let out a piercing scream, and the sound waves swept towards the insect swarm with the surrounding petals, instantly covering the huge beetles like mountains.

"It's the [Black Rose Dragon]? But that's not..."

Jia Zhong looked up at the rain of flowers in astonishment. From the information he got, it was Hong Qian who owned the [Black Rose Dragon], and she also completed the contract with the elves.

But why would the [Black Rose Dragon] respond to Lu You's call now?


Before Jia Zhong could react, a resounding explosion suddenly sounded behind him, and the dazzling light instantly stretched his back, just like dropping a missile.

Damn, my insect swarm...

Jia Zhong gritted his teeth and looked over. Even the field magic card gradually collapsed, and the surrounding environment returned to normal at the same time.

The air wave generated by the explosion spread, raising thick dust.

When everything calmed down, Jia Zhong only had the monster Sky-High Rhinoceros Beetle with 4 connections on the field. It was lucky that it was not destroyed while retaining its resistance.

And the [Black Rose Dragon] behind Lu You also disappeared.

But unfortunately, the face-up card [Intimidating Roar] was destroyed before it was used.

The situation seemed to be in a stalemate again...

Jia Zhong slowly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he could draw a monster that could be summoned in the next round, the effect of Sky-High Rhinoceros Beetle could continue to unfold.

Haha, it's not that easy to defeat the swarm!

He could completely recycle the original family fusion in the graveyard and continue to fusion summon Absolute Powerful Rhinoceros Beetle, and...

"At this moment, activate the effect of [Heavy Cavalry Beetle-Powerful Sea God Rhinoceros Beetle] in the graveyard!"

"During your own and the opponent's main phase, when this card is destroyed or excluded by the opponent's effect, you can special summon this card!"


Then Jia Zhong waved his arm, and Sea God Rhinoceros Beetle returned to the field again.

Although the number of those huge beetles has decreased, they still stand in front of Jia Zhong like a fortress.

It is obvious that Lu You's clearing of the field this time has not been completely successful.

But Lu You did not care. For him, this round has just begun, and the clearing of the field by [Black Rose Dragon] is just a prelude.

"Then, I activate the quick-attack magic card [Divine Stele's Edge] from my hand!"

"Add 1 card of [Divine Stele] from the deck to your hand, and then the opponent will exclude the top card of the deck!"

"I will add [Divine Stele Fountain] from the deck to my hand!"

The next moment, Lu You's duel disk's automatic search was turned on, and he immediately drew the declared card and added it to his hand.

Jia Zhong was forced to exclude a card, and his face was a little gloomy.

The appearance of [Black Rose Dragon] was completely beyond his expectations, and Lu You could use the elves contracted by others, which was unheard of, and he immediately became anxious.

Even Lu You has not shown the full picture of the deck yet...

At this moment, Jia Zhong has nothing in his hand. If he can't draw a monster that can be summoned in the next round, he can only release the sea god rhinoceros beetle to start.

But Jia Zhong obviously thought too much, Lu You didn't intend to give him this opportunity...

"I activate the field magic card from my hand, [Fountain of the Monument]!"

I saw the demon statue appear behind Lu You, and clear water flowed out of the demon's hand, forming a hideous and ominous fountain.

Now he has a quick-play magic card [Monument] in his hand, which can trigger the recycling effect of [Fountain of the Monument].

At the same time, Lu You is also ready for the subsequent synchro summon!

"Next, I activate the quick-play magic card [Monument of the Golden Drop] from my hand!"

"Special summon 1 [Monument] monster from the Extra Deck in the Extra Monster Zone!"

"I choose to special summon [Monument Fang-Gurley]!"

A giant wolf with smooth hair came to Lu You, with a sacred flag hanging on its back.

Looking at Lu You's familiar operation, Hong Qian's face was a little complicated. She didn't expect that even if she successfully summoned the [Black Rose Dragon], the opponent still had a way to resist.

The two rhinoceros beetles still stayed on the field safely, full of pressure.

And facing the monsters that would not be the target of the effect...

What would Lu You do?

Just as Hong Qian was thinking, the driver suddenly received the news, walked quickly to her side, and whispered the situation.

"What? You said Chen Xianlong was found?"

"Yes, according to the investigation, he was locked up by the rare card hunter organization and forced to duel in turns for several days. Not only did he lose his deck, his mind was also a little unclear, and he could not continue to serve as the person in charge."

Hong Qian: "..."

The means of these rare card hunters are really...

It's better to say that they would use this method when they hunt normally until they plundered the target's deck.

It's better to remind Lu You afterwards.

After all, she has to entrust the other party to deal with a powerful hunter, and must be careful to avoid being besieged.

At this time, Lu You was still concentrating on facing Jia Zhong and the swarm of insects.

He was not unfamiliar with this kind of "not being targeted by effects" resistance. He had encountered similar effects many times in his previous life, and the solutions were quite diverse.

In addition, he also knew that there were monsters with effects that were opposite to this resistance.

That was the only designated target of the card man...

[The Dark God of the Closed World]!

This card is not affected by the opponent's effect of not taking a target.

In other words, you must take her as the target!

This is such a wonderful monster for the card master. It can even use the monsters on the opponent's field as link materials and directly eat the opponent's important components.

Unfortunately... as a noble link-5 monster, Lu You has not found the whereabouts of this card yet.

I can only take it again when I have a chance.

"Since I activated the quick-play magic card [Divine Monument], the effect of [Divine Monument Fountain] is activated!"

"I return [Divine Monument of Curse Removal], [Divine Monument of Edge] and [Divine Monument of Gold Drop] in the graveyard to the bottom of the deck!"

"Then draw 3 cards from the deck!"


Lu You skillfully drew 3 cards, and the number of cards in his hand suddenly reached a relatively rich level.

At least enough to support his subsequent Synchro Summon.

"Then, I activate the quick-play magic card from my hand again, [Natural Spring Breeze]!"

"Select 1 [Natural] monster from your hand and graveyard to special summon!"

"I choose to special summon [Natural Cricket] from my hand!"

A sharp front claw and a triangular head appeared at Lu You's feet.

Jia Zhong watched Lu You replenish his hand, and his left hand clenched involuntarily. Without hand resources, he really lacked a sense of security.

However, he temporarily understood the composition of Lu You's deck, which seemed to be a combination of [Divine Monument] and [Nature].

Then the opponent should...

Thinking of this, Jia Zhong's forehead suddenly broke out in cold sweat. He overlooked a serious problem. If Lu You can use the elves contracted by others, then...

It's not surprising to summon monsters outside the system.

Damn, how can there be such an outrageous ability!

If Lu You knew Jia Zhong's doubts now, he would definitely patiently explain the definition of "bond" to the other party. This is a quality that only true duelists have.

"Next, I activate the effect of [Natural Cricket]!"

"During your and your opponent's main phase, release this card and Special Summon 1 [Natural] monster from the deck."

"When the monster with the highest attack power is on the opponent's field, the number of special summons by this effect becomes 2!"

"I Special Summon [Natural Sunflower] and [Natural Stink Bug] from the deck!"

When Lu You finished speaking, the sunflower with a sunny face and the green leaf-like insect appeared. He did not choose another camellia for the time being, as it did not need to be released later.

And more importantly...

The star requirements for Synchro Summoning have been met!

I saw Lu You slowly raise his arm and point to the sky. There was a faint icy breath around him, and the temperature of the entire flower field seemed to have dropped a little.

Jia Zhong subconsciously rubbed his arms. He moved his eyes and suddenly found that there seemed to be frost on the branches and leaves of the flowers and plants.

"I will use the 3-star adjustment [Natural Stink Bug], 2-star [Natural Sunflower] and 4-star [Wings of the Monument - Gurley] on the field to adjust the stars!"

Sure enough...

Lu You still has a backup plan, even the synchro of 3 monsters!

Jia Zhong's face tightened, and the uneasiness and anxiety in his heart became more and more serious. The monsters that were declared were combined again to form a road to the future, shining with dazzling light.

In Lu You's opinion, if he can't play Yu-Gi-Oh with passion occasionally, then he is a duelist.

Even if he is obsessed with decks that make people smile, but...

Ten years in the underworld can't cool the passion!

Now he will use this duel to prove that he is indeed an upright duelist!

"The sacred spear released by the God of Destruction will now completely penetrate the Demon City!"

"Synchronous Summon..."

"【Ice Barrier Dragon - Trident Dragon】!"


Instantly, the whistling cold wind enveloped the entire flower field, and in the center of the storm, a giant dragon with three heads covered in ice slowly landed in front of Lu You.

Countless broken icicles fell, and the area around Lu You turned snow-white.

Ice Barrier Dragon?

Jia Zhong's eyes widened, looking at the monster summoned by Lu You in disbelief. His previous judgment was completely wrong. He was just a formal member of the Holy Dragon and could not have such a powerful monster.

Even Chen Xianlong...

What made Jia Zhong even more difficult to accept was that he remembered that the exclusion effect of the Trident Dragon did not take any targets, and it was completely the nemesis of the Sky-piercing Rhinoceros Beetle...

Jia Zhong's nose twitched, his eyes were red, and he seemed unable to accept this reality.

But the next moment, Lu You's words suddenly made him panic.

"At this moment, I activate the effect of [Ice Barrier Dragon - Trident Dragon]!"

"I banish your [Big Rider Beetle - Invincible Sky-High Rhinoceros Beetle] and [Super Rider Beetle - Absolute Powerful Rhinoceros Beetle] in the graveyard!"

Damn it, they are all targeting his core monsters!

Jia Zhong clenched his fists. Because he had no cards in his hand, he avoided having his hand resources banished.


Then, the Trident Dragon let out a terrifying roar, and a blizzard mixed with ice cubes instantly swept Jia Zhong.

The Sky-High Rhinoceros Beetle on the field was frozen into a huge iceberg, and then shattered and disappeared.

At the same time, the Absolute Powerful Rhinoceros Beetle in Jia Zhong's graveyard was also banned.

In a moment, there was only one left in his insect fortress.

Mr. Tian stared at this scene in amazement, and suddenly found that he had stood up from the recliner without knowing when, with his hands clenched, as if he was watching an exciting sports event.


I saw Mr. Tian looking around the flower field with a tangled expression, and muttered:

"I was just talking in my mind just now, no one heard it anyway..."

But in the corner he couldn't see, the [Insect Demons] slowly poked their heads out, with an inexplicable smile on their lips.

And Hong Qian didn't expect that Lu You would choose such a...

normal way to clear the field.

It's very handsome, and it makes people excited.

But it doesn't fit Lu You's duel style. Maybe bypassing the resistant monsters and directly raising the opponent's deck is more suitable for him.

It's a pity that I can't see the wonders of Iai card drawing...

Hong Qian shook her head secretly, and quickly accepted this result in her heart. As long as she could win, these were all small problems.

At this moment, Lu You's development has not ended. From the beginning of the turn to now, he has not had the opportunity to use the Normal Summon.

This means that he can continue to synchronize summons!

"I summon [Yamata no Orochi] from the hand attack position!"

When Lu You finished speaking, a lazy octopus suddenly appeared in front of him, with a neat mustache and a mini dragon head at the end of the tentacles.

It's just like a combination of Yamata no Orochi and an octopus.

This card is also a tuner monster, and its star rating is 1 star.

Although [Yakutaro] can be used as 8 stars when used as a synchro material, it is no longer necessary.

Lu You does not have many resources left, not to mention that there are already high-star monsters on the field.

And the star rating... is just missing that crucial 1 star!

At this time, Hong Qian also understood that Lu You wanted to perform synchro summons continuously, and the material was the powerful Trident Dragon.

The next moment, Lu You said without hesitation:

"I will use the 1-star on the field to tune [Yakutaro] and..."

Another adjustment?

Jia Zhong was shocked. Now Lu You has a limited number of monsters on the field. Unless he has special summon points, he can only...

"9-star [Ice Barrier Dragon-Trident Dragon] to tune the star!"

What? !

He actually used the Trident Dragon as a synchro material?

Then, the two monsters declared turned into star ratings and halos, and together constructed a return path, and countless pink petals fell again.

However, compared to the killing feeling of [Black Rose Dragon], this one is obviously softer.

Like the Trident Dragon, in Lu You's previous life, the Flower Baroness also had a cool summoning word.

This is also an indispensable part of summoning a general-purpose terminal monster.

What matters is the face of the card!

"Noble White Lily! The time for revolution has come, and victory will be delivered to me--!"

"Synchronous Summoning..."

"[Flower Baroness]!"

Hearing Lu You's passionate words, Hong Qian's right little toe dug out a three-bedroom and one-living room, but still did not look away.

Damn, when did Lu You make up the summoning word?

It should have been her who said it!

Woo, my first time...

The white horse in bright red armor and the knight in silver armor, the pink petals floating around her, as beautiful as a blooming rose.

Obviously, [Flower Baroness] responded to Lu You's call.

This is the powerful embodiment of "bond"!


Lu You's eyes were like a compass that failed to work, glancing wildly at the navel of the Flower Baroness, and then instantly adjusted his direction and looked at the Sea God Rhinoceros Beetle.


Just as Lu You could not give up fraternity and tolerance, he could not ignore the beauty in front of him.

However, it was time to end the duel.

There was more beauty waiting for him!

"At this moment, I activate the effect of [Flower Baroness]!"

"Target a card on the field, and destroy that card!"

"I destroy the [Heavy Cavalry Beetle - Powerful Sea God Rhinoceros Beetle] on your field!"

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