You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 132 Who is the strongest red pit deck?

When Lu You finished speaking, he saw that the Gaika beside him suddenly opened up. It was the [Grave Cave] that was built with the effect of the Insect Conspirator!

"When the opponent activates the effect of a monster in the hand or graveyard or a banished monster, that activation is invalid and 2000 points of health damage are inflicted to the opponent!"

"I invalidate the effect of [Ming Realm God-Nefel Abyss] in your graveyard!"


Countless tombstones were seen falling from the sky, instantly covering up the shadow of the Ming Realm God, forming a huge tomb. The special summons obviously failed.

Qin Yan was also hit by a tombstone, and her health dropped rapidly.


This feeling...why does it feel like being hit by a real tombstone?

Qin Yan clutched her shoulders, her expression becoming more distorted due to pain. She frowned and stared at Lu You, convinced that he did not have the ability to turn illusion into reality. So it's only possible...

Was it a test given to her by the light of the universe?

After confirming whether she is truly pious, should she be given more power?

Huh, as long as you can win, this little pain is nothing...

Qin Yan suddenly showed a forced smile, and at the same time, her health stopped declining. Only 2,000 points were left for the time being, which was still enough.

Lu You's choice to use [Tomb Cave] was within her expectation, and there were still 2 cover cards left.

When these pitfalls are exhausted, it will be the moment for her to break through Lu You's ending!

"Then, I activate the effect of [Seira's Insect Conspirator]!"

"When a normal trap card is activated, you can special summon 1 [Insect Demon] monster from the deck with the same name card that is not on the field!"

"[Jino's Bug Demon]!"

The next moment, the automatic retrieval of Lu You's duel disk started, and he immediately pulled out the declared monster and photographed it in the monster area.

It was a girl wearing a white tube top, with a wicker-like pendant wrapped around her waist. Her short green hair covered her right eye, and she had a sinister and yandere smile.

While Gino is present, the cards set in your own magic trap area will not be destroyed once per round.

It can be regarded as a reduced version of the King of Hell.

Lu You still chose to ensure that the pit in the backcourt would not be cleared first. After all, this was an important means for Chongmei to block the opponent's expansion.

Okay, now is the critical moment to test the strength of the red pit!

If the opponent does not have red temperature, it only means that the strength is not enough...

Just when Lu You was eager to give it a try, there was a strange confrontation outside the duel room.

Zheng Qiao wiped his cold sweat and looked at Lu You helplessly.

Even after changing the deck, Lu You still did not give up his favorite red pit...

Although he arrived at the scene a little late and did not see the whole process of Lu You's unfolding, he must have found that the remaining two cards were serious pitfalls. This was his experience gained after watching the opponent's duel many times.

Fortunately, this is a separate duel room...

There is no chance for the images of this duel to leak out, otherwise...

In fact, the trend of following the trend of Tiannan College is very serious. After Lu You showed his speed pass routine, the atmosphere of the qualifying competition changed subtly.

There are almost no matches lasting longer than a minute.

Either he will kill someone, or he will be killed...

Zheng Qiao had foreseen the impact that Lu You would have in the future, so he temporarily closed the qualifying competition.


I don't know how long it can last.

I hope everything goes well before Lu You graduates.

Looking at Zheng Qiao's relieved look, he seemed to have forgotten that Lu You was only a freshman who had just enrolled in school for a few months.


After Qin Yan failed to specially summon the Ming Realm God, she immediately looked at the graveyard. She just piled up 3 monsters, among which Nuer could jump out when there were no monsters on the field.

But she also needs another 4-star monster to super-summon the [Spirit King].

The effect of this Xyz monster is to remove one Xyz material and retrieve 1 Reptile monster from the deck.

It can be regarded as a common expansion effect for all crawler decks.

Of course, if Lu You was experienced, then this effect might not be passed...

Qin Yan looked gloomy and immediately looked at the magic card [Snake Rain] in her hand.

"I activate the effect of [The Slayer of the Dark Realm - Nuer] in the graveyard!"

"If there are no monsters on your field, or if there is a [Mingkai] monster, this card can be specially summoned from the graveyard!"


Black water surged at Qin Yan's feet, and a golden lotus slowly emerged. Then the golden lotus bloomed, and a cobra made of black water appeared, with golden wings inlaid on its forehead.

Originally, she could use the effect of Ming Jie Shen to pull out Naya from the graveyard and perform a super summon.

But now there is no other way.

"Then, I activate the magic card from my hand, [Snake Rain]!"

Snake rain?

Lu You was a little surprised. He didn't expect Qin Yan to actually have the card of one of the few supermodels in the Reptile tribe. Perhaps it was because of this [Snake Rain] that the Reptiles never had the opportunity to strengthen.

This card can accurately stack 4 Reptile monsters from the deck at the cost of discarding one card in your hand.

Stack of 4 useful components...

[Neighbor cuts the grass] I almost cry.

Do you know the pain of having 20 cards piled up and the graveyard not lighting up?

Hee hee, the gray finger mask is all gone too!

What's even more terrifying is that the [Fusion Destiny] card in the hand no longer lights up after mowing the grass.

"Discard 1 card from your hand and send 4 Reptile monsters from the deck to the graveyard!"


When Qin Yan selects a card in her hand and sends it to the graveyard, the automatic retrieval of the duel disk starts immediately. She draws out the 4 selected monsters one by one and sends them to the graveyard as well.

She chose different monsters in order to meet the activation conditions of [Snake Water Lily of the Ming Realm] in her hand.

At the same time, there was another Mingjie God among those monsters.

It is the key to her breaking through Lu You's ending!

"Then activate the effect of [Night Blade Snake Mi] in the graveyard!"

"If this card is sent to the graveyard by an effect, you can special summon this card!"


There was a hair-raising spitting sound, and it was a giant snake covered in black scales with a dagger-like horn on its forehead.

Now, Qin Yan has gathered the excess materials needed.

"I use [Yakosakimi] and [Zhao of the Dark Realm-Nur] on the field to stack them!"

"Super Summoning..."

"[Spirit King]!"

Qin Yan waved her hand forward, and the two declared monsters immediately fell into the golden nebula. When the light generated by the high-speed rotation faded, a brand new monster appeared.

The spirit king's head is like a bat, with a crown, a strong body, and dark hard horns growing all over his body.

"Then I activate the effect of [Spirit King]!"

"Remove an excess material and add a Reptile monster from the deck to your hand!"

"The one I chose to add to my hand is [Reptilian Witch-Hydra]!"

This monster is also the special summoning point of the Reptile family. It can reduce the attack power of a monster on the opponent's field to zero and then special summon it.

[Reptile Witch] The effects of field monsters are all related to attack power, and they will try their best to reduce your monster's attack power to zero.

It's called squeeze dry.

However, the two lower-level monsters of [Reptilian Witch] are indeed quite cute, and maybe they can be owned.


Feeling the sight of Hu Ji and Saila, Lu You's expression remained unchanged. No one or elf could question his xp!

However, he has no plans to let the effect of [Spirit King] pass for the time being.

"At this moment, activate the trap card [Insect's Nest]!"

"When the monster on the opponent's field that was specially summoned this turn activates its effect, that effect is negated and destroyed."

"I invalidate and destroy the [Spirit King] on your field!"

The next moment, the giant Elf King suddenly fell into the dark cave, which was where the Insect Demons hunted. Countless insects and carnivorous plants devoured the Elf King in an instant.


Qin Yan immediately raised the duel plate to block the air wave caused by the monster explosion.

Then, she narrowed her eyes and looked at Lu You's backfield through the gap in the duel disk.

There is only one left...

The only way Lu You could stop her from unfolding was the unknown cover card!


In addition to the [Snake Water Lily of the Ming Realm] in her hand, there is also the [Reptile Monster Egg] retrieved at the beginning of the round.

You can remove the Reptilian monsters from the graveyard and produce 2 [Reptilian] tokens on the field.

She can completely use these 2 tokens to connect and summon!

Thinking of this, Qin Yan's face under the white hair was distorted again, and she couldn't see her previous beauty at all. It was difficult for people to connect her current appearance with her quiet appearance.

Let me see what card you drew last!

Is it a hole?


In fact, Qin Yan's guess was indeed correct. What Lu Yougai released was [Purgatory's Cave], specifically targeting monsters with an attack power of more than 2,000, invalidating their effects and destroying them.

But this is just a trap on the surface...

It is said that it is easy to hide from an open gun, but difficult to guard against a hidden arrow.

Lu You still has a trap, which is the [Felicia's Insect Conspirator] on the field.

During one's own or the opponent's turn, Felicia can remove an excess material and send 1 [Hole] or [Cave] in the deck to the graveyard. This effect becomes the same as when the trap card is activated.

Therefore, Lu You actually has 4 red pits.

There is really some sunshine.

"Then, I activate the magic card from my hand, [Snake Water Lily of the Ming Realm]!"

"Send 1 Reptile-type monster from your deck to the graveyard. After that, if there are more than 5 types of Reptile-type monsters in your graveyard."

"You can special summon a Reptile monster from the graveyard!"

"The one I want to specially summon is..."

I saw the black water beside Qin Yan surging, golden lotuses blooming, and a giant snake composed of black water rushing out of the water, covered with gold armor. The dark wings spread out, seeming to cover the entire duel room.

This is exactly another Mingjie Shen.

"[Ming Realm God-Ogdo Abyss]!"

This monster's effect can only be activated once while it is face-up on the field. Judging from the restrictions, it is indeed quite powerful.

You can send all monsters on your own and your opponent's field, except for the face-up monsters specially summoned from the Graveyard, to the Graveyard.

That is to say.

As long as the opponent's monsters on the field are not Special Summoned from the Graveyard, all monsters will be sent to the Graveyard.

Unfortunately, Lu You's insect demons all appear regularly, and they are all within the scope of the effect.

Therefore, now is the time for him to activate the last cover card.

"At this moment, I activate the trap card [Purgatory's Cave]!"

"When the opponent special summons a monster with an attack power of 2000 or more, the effect of the selected monster with an attack power of 2000 or more is negated and destroyed."

"I choose to invalidate the effect of [Ogdo Abyss] on your field and destroy it!"


As Lu You finished speaking, a deep crack appeared on the ground. The Abyss God struggled for a few times, and finally fell into Purgatory, making a dull explosion.

But Qin Yan didn't even look at it, and there was no expression of loss on her face.

Very good...

Now Lu You's backcourt is all used up, and there is no way to stop me.

Qin Yan couldn't hide her excitement, and the corners of her mouth rose.

There is no doubt that she won this duel!

But Zheng Qiao looked at Lu You meaningfully, he still kept wiping the cold sweat, and recalled the scene of the duel with the other party in his mind.

Will Qin Yan win?

Zheng Qiao shook his head secretly. Although Lu You's duel style looks very bold, he is actually more cautious than anyone else.

The means of blocking are only three backcourts?

It's impossible to think about it.

Zheng Qiao turned his head to look at the members of the Holy Light Society. He just got the news that this society seems to be related to the light of the universe.

Thinking of the club made up of faith, he could understand why this club frequently made strange moves.

It's just that the academy has no energy to deal with it for the time being. Now the classrooms' task is to find the stolen card.

As long as the Holy Light Society doesn't cause any big trouble, just ignore it.

At this moment, Qin Yan couldn't wait to draw a card from her hand and slap it on the duel disk.

"Then, I activate the magic card from my hand, [Reptile Egg]!"

"Remove a monster with [Reptile] in the name of your graveyard from the game, and special summon 2 [Reptile Tokens] on your field!"


Two lizard-sized monsters broke out of the water, they were brown all over, and their arms were agile.

"I use the 2 [Reptile Tokens] on the field to set up a connection circuit!"

After confirming that Lu You did not block it, Qin Yan also became unscrupulous.

"Link Summon..."

"【Reptile Fairy - Echidna】!"

When Qin Yan finished speaking, the two monsters she declared suddenly turned into streams of light, dyeing the arrows red. When the light faded, a monster with a slender upper body and a terrifying python lower body appeared on the field.

Echidna was wearing a red dress, with a perfect upper body, gray skin, and delicate facial features, which was indeed quite beautiful.

But the rough snake body in the lower body was chilling.

Qin Yan smiled. This monster can turn the attack power of the monsters on the opponent's field to zero, and then search for reptile monsters in the deck according to the number of monsters with zero attack power.

Looking at the few cards in hand, Qin Yan was very excited.

But at the moment when Echidna appeared on the field, Lu You's voice suddenly rang in her ears.

"Your attention is all attracted by my backcourt, which is a taboo in a duel..."

What does it mean?

The smile on Qin Yan's face slowly disappeared. She looked at Lu You's sunny smile and had a bad feeling in her heart.

"At this moment, I activate the effect of [Flicia's Worm Demon]!"

"Remove one Xyz material and send 1 [Hole] or [Pitfall] normal trap from the deck to the graveyard. This effect becomes the same as the effect when the trap card is activated."

"I send [Severed Pitfall] from the deck to the graveyard!"

"Flicia gains the effect when this trap card is activated!"

And... a trap?

She remembered that [Severed Pitfall] targets monsters with an attack power of less than 1500 points, and Echidna's attack power is only 200 points...

Lu You smiled at Qin Yan, whose face turned pale, and habitually shuffled his hand and said:

"Sorry, I have practiced this trick to the point where it can kill people without traps!"

"You should give up struggling!"

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