The old man was in trouble, and the old man was in trouble.

Longhu Mountain, the head of the Taoist sect, is the leader of the world!

But what is his senior brother doing now!

He actually killed the prince that Longhu Mountain was loyal to!

“Why is it like this, why… why is this…”

Mu Niu opened his mouth with puzzled eyes, repeating one sentence after another. At this moment, his cognition collapsed and his heart collapsed.

They, Longhu Mountain, supported the court at the beginning, then defected to Jiang Tian, ​​and now killed Jiang Tian. What have they done!

“The traitor Jiang Tian is dead, you all surrender to the court, and the past will be forgiven!”

“If there are any rebels, they will be killed without mercy!”

Boom boom boom.

The next second, a series of powerful figures rose into the sky in the void. In the dark night, they were so dazzling and bright like stars!

Is Jiang Tian dead?

The military camp was instantly in chaos. Many generals rushed into the big tent like crazy, wanting to find out the truth!

But when they rushed into the big tent and saw Jiang Tian lying in a pool of blood, they went berserk one by one.

“Zhao Wuji, what the hell are you doing!!!”

“You dare to kill His Highness, I will fight you!”

“Longhushan turned against us, surrendered to the court, and killed His Highness. Brothers, fight with these bastards!”


In an instant, the military camp was in chaos!

In the big tent, the general who rushed to Zhao Wuji’s side with a crazy look was beaten into a blood mist by Zhao Wuji’s whisk, dyeing Zhao Wuji’s Taoist robe red.

Zhao Wuji walked to Mu Niu, whose eyes were filled with confusion, helplessness, and pain, and patted his shoulder: “Junior brother, this is reality.”

“Senior brother must be responsible for the future of Longhu Mountain. This is the only way we can go.”

“Let’s go, follow senior brother and quell the rebellion!”

Zhao Wuji held a whisk in his hand, and the terrible murderous intent in his body had already burst out. He walked out of the big tent and rushed into the crowd.

At the same time, the army guarding the capital had already taken advantage of the night to kill, and the giants in the ancestral land also took action.

In the palace, Liu Yueru stood outside the bedroom, feeling the tragic battle outside the city!

Jiang Tian died, but the group of soldiers under his command did not choose to surrender.

She had expected this a long time ago.

In that group of troops, many people were Jiang Tian’s old subordinates, as well as the elite forces of Jiang Tian’s mother’s clan, who followed Jiang Tian from the beginning of the army until now.

Although Jiang Tian was dead, they would never surrender.

However, for Liu Yueru, those who disobeyed would be killed. Among the 200,000 or 300,000 troops, there must be some who are afraid of death.

This battle lasted until the early morning before it was completely over.

No one expected that a sudden change would cause one of the three major princes who were competing for the world to die tragically that night.

On the battlefield full of corpses, Mu Niu stood sluggishly among the mountains of corpses and blood. He looked around blankly, looking at the familiar corpses, and his heart could not help but feel pain.

“Why is it like this, why!!!”


At the moment when Mu Niu held his head with both hands and roared, a more terrifying aura swept wildly from his body.

This aura made Zhao Wuji, the ancestors in the ancestral land, and Liu Yueru in the palace feel terrified.

They even… smelled invincibility from this breath!

Zhao Wuji, covered in blood, rushed to the side of Mu Niu. At this moment, he no longer had the immortal spirit he had before, but was just a bloodthirsty demon.

“Junior brother, have you awakened your previous life?”

Zhao Wuji was so knowledgeable that when he felt a strange power gushing out of Mu Niu, he instantly understood.

Mu Niu, who had been holding his head and looking painful, slowly loosened his hands at this moment. He looked at Zhao Wuji with a complicated expression and turned away.

Longhu Mountain rebelled, Jiang Tian was killed!

His subordinates fought bloody battles, hundreds of thousands of them died tragically, and less than 100,000 were left to surrender to the court.

This news was passed to Ning Fan, who had just joined Bai Qi, early in the morning.

When the people who were marching hurriedly saw this news, they were all shocked and unbelievable as if they were struck by lightning.

Only Ning Fan showed no sign of surprise.

“Master… have you expected this?”

Bai Qi

Full of doubts.

Everyone looked at Ning Fan. They also wanted to know if Ning Fan was really so powerful that he knew in advance that Longhu Mountain was going to rebel.

Ning Fan smiled and said, “If I could predict it in advance, I would be a god.”

“However, Longhu Mountain had already rebelled against the court and surrendered to Jiang Tian. Now it has rebelled again and surrendered to the court again. It’s normal.”

“In this world, interests determine everything!”

Ning Fan opened his mouth slowly and gave his explanation.

“It’s just… the court, which was on the verge of collapse, has become a thorny existence at this time.” Ning Fan took a deep breath and shook his head.

He looked back and saw that the mighty army behind him exceeded 300,000!

And under his command, there were many great saints.

Whether it was the military force or the great saints, they were all strong.

Whether there are thorns or obstacles ahead, the power in his hand can be transformed into a sword, and all obstacles that dare to stand in his way will be cut off!

“Let’s go, head straight to the capital!”

“Whether we meet Yang Xiao or the defenders of the capital, we will attack with all our strength and leave no one alive!”

Ning Fan’s eyes burst into a cold light, and the Snowland Wild Lion under his seat stepped out with all four limbs and stepped forward.

At the same time, in addition to the Demon Heart Sect and Qingcheng Mountain, the power of the Dome and the Black Dragon Platform was also fully activated at the moment when Ning Fan and others took action!

Intelligence is pervasive, and the killers of the Black Dragon Platform have also performed their duties and landed inside and outside the capital.

The final battle is just around the corner!

On September 20, Yang Xiao led his army to the outside of the capital and fought a battle with the army of the capital that had just experienced a bloody battle and had no time to rest!

Relying on the Blood Demon Army, Yang Xiao’s side broke a city gate with all the strong men in the capital.

Chen Polu, a slave of Wudi City, took action, and with the majesty of Wudi City behind him, the giants in the capital were afraid to act rashly, which was one of the reasons why the city gate was broken.

On September 22, Ning Fan led an army of more than 300,000 and rushed to 30 miles outside the capital.

As soon as Ning Fan arrived, Yang Xiao and the two forces in the capital temporarily stopped and retreated.

For a time, the three forces inside and outside the capital looked at each other from afar.

September 23, early morning.

The demon concubine Liu Yueru sent people to send letters to Yang Xiao and Ning Fan respectively, inviting them to enter the city for negotiations.

“First courtesy, then force?”

Ning Fan looked at the letter sent, sneered slightly, and under the gaze of the messenger, he slowly tore the letter into pieces and threw it on the ground.

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